Absolution (Star Wars TPM story)

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Title: Absolution
Author(s): Artemis
Date(s): 29 June 2006
Length: 130k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Relationship(s): Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
External Links: Absolution (M_A)
Absolution (Moon of Moons)

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Absolution is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Artemis. It was written in November 2005 for the Master-Apprentice Archive Fundraiser CD.

Summary: Love, jealousy and the power of darkness.

Recs and Reviews

I love Artemis’ stories and this one is a favorite. It breaks from canon in that Obi-Wan was never Qui-Gon's apprentice, rather they meet for the first time when Obi-Wan is already a knight, serving as the Knight Protector of a small, secluded Jedi Temple Qui-Gon is visiting. I love the descriptions of the forest planet, and the way the plot builds as the relationship unfolds. Angst, love, and the dark side of the Force are all at play here. One of Artemis' best.[1]


  1. ^ hsv_fangirl in crack_van. Absolution by Artemis (NC-17), 23 October 2010. (Accessed 03 January 2016)