A Party of Thyself

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Title: A Party of Thyself
Author(s): arcady (E.H. Williams)
Date(s): 1997
Fandom(s): Star Trek: DS9
External Links: Available through alt.startrek.creative
Archived at the author's website

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A Party of Thyself is a Star Trek: DS9 story by arcady aka E.H. Williams.

It was posted at alt.startrek.creative.

Reactions and Reviews

Garak meets Niccolo Machiavelli. The parallels Liz draws between Cardassia and the de Medici's court are absolutely brilliant. She tells the story from Garak's POV with such a grace and candor that you feel you have an understanding of Garak, or as much as one as our dear tailor (and author) will allow. It made me hunt up the novel just for curiosity sake;) Cynicism and sharp wit, with a balanced style that simply makes the entirepremise *work,* that makes one think. Another fine example of why DS9 isn't "your brother's ST". [1]


  1. ^ alt.startrek.creative, March 1998