A Man of His Word

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Title: A Man of His Word
Author(s): Sydvick
Date(s): 1998
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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A Man of His Word is a Star Trek: TOS story by Sydvick.

It was posted to alt.startrek.creative and won an ASC Award.

Reactions and Reviews

BTW, have been reading "A Man of His Word", via Dejanews, having given up on my hopelessly pathetic excuse for a newsfeed -- and shit, mon, dat's some good stuff!!! My only complaint is, so far Dejanews only has the first 6 segments! Still, that's 5 more than my bullshit server has. By damn, I want to see the rest -- do thou hurry up and post it, eh? [1]

This is the best of Sydvick, in my opinion. Well written. Holds the interest of the reader and keeps the plot tight and perfect until the end. Worth reading and totally enjoyable.[2]
