A Hero's Return

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Title: A Hero's Return
Author(s): Joyce Tullock
Date(s): 1980
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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A Hero's Return is a Star Trek: TOS story by Joyce Tullock.

It was published in the print zine Galactic Discourse #3.


McCoy is returning to the Enterprise after helping to fight a plague. This story tells of the feelings of his friends, especially Jim Kirk, as they welcome him home.

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McCoy has worked himself into exhaustion on a plague assignment and is blaming himself for sitting communing with the computers while other medical personnel were out assisting patients and dying with honor - though he was forcibly kept in safety and reduced the projected plague deaths by three-quarters. Kirk gets him out of the funk by telling him (falsely) that Spock had said the computer could have done it without him; the argument against Spock shows him that he really did make a difference. Nice touch with McCoy’s mercurial personality here - he really is rather irrational, but keeps all his good martyr points. [1]
