A Distant Land

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Title: A Distant Land
Author(s): Etticles
Date(s): 1990
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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A Distant Land is a Blake's 7 story by Etticles.

It was published in Fire and Ice #1.

It is in the same universe as The Long Way Back, a zine by Melody C..

Reactions and Reviews

This fic starts promisingly by claiming to be 'The Last, Best Hope' only with alternate ending! Since I love 'The Last, Best Hope' and hate 'The Long Way Back' I was deeply excited for something different to happen. Alas, what happens instead is firmly based in the stuff I hate about LWB - they both remember their boyhood love and Avon is now so sweet and docile that Blake's narrative says of him:

Something had changed him, made him nearly unrecognisable-

I agree. So... why am I reading this? I thought we all liked Avon...

Also, the revelation that Blake remembers everything too is incredibly sudden and doesn't accord with any of his earlier reactions. I feel disappointed for getting excited.[1]
