A Christening of Wild Apples

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Title: A Christening of Wild Apples
Author(s): musesfool
Date(s): 23 May 2005
Length: 749 words
Genre(s): missing scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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"A Christening of Wild Apples "[1] is a ficlet written by musesfool also known as "victoria p" based on the first book from Mary Renault's Alexander Trilogy, ' 'Fire from Heaven' '. Rated PG13 it shows a love scene between the youthful Alexander and Hephaistion, told from Hephaistion’s perspective, and focusing on his feelings (but with some sexually explicit detail). The title was taken from Thoreau.

Comments received on the story include:

  • That was just so sweet and perfect in its innocence and longing. I thought about this and yes I think it fits that even then Hephaistion would have waited for Alexander to start something. It fits so perfectly into FFH, the characters and the warm afternoon, the nest in the woods. Of course, perversely, in its innocence it is also very sexy.[2]as_im_babbar
  • This is just gorgeous - such evocative imagery. Very poetic and emotional. I can quite feel Hephaistion's ecstasy. Also it seems very in character, for both of them. Hephaistion waiting for Alexander and Alexander's self-confidence even though it seems a new experience for him too. Love the references to the gods and Fate. Beautifully done.[3]elfscribe5


  1. ^ musesfool] Accessed 19 January 2013. ""A Christening of Wild Apples" by musesfool". Retrieved 19 January 2013.
  2. ^ as_im_babbar]. "Comment by as_im_babbar". Retrieved 19 January 2013.
  3. ^ [ Comment by elfscribe5, 03 June 2005. Accessed 19 January 2013.