AFP Madrigal Society

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Name: AFP Madrigal Society
Members: MegaMole
Date(s): 1998 - 2002?
Fandoms: Discworld, Terry Pratchett
External Links:
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AFP Madrigal Society, or AFPMad, is a choir of Terry Pratchett fans, specifically AFPers, who perform filk at conventions and meets.

The following songs are available in MP3 form on LSpace:

  • The Days We Spent At Clarecraft
  • Morpork Nights (1.62M)
  • Tavern Called the Drum
  • The Luggage
  • Fresh Start Club
  • Good King Verence
  • All Through the Night
  • Men of Lancre
  • Om is Trampling The Unrighteous
  • Every Hedgehog ...
  • Every Hedgehog ... Again ...
  • Happy Hogswatch!