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A Fandom nickname used by fans of Aaron Sorkin's The West Wing to describe themselves. Some fans used it as a standalone "Wingnuts" while others used "West Wingnuts".

The term has other uses outside of fandom and while some — such as the hardware fastener — are unlikely to cause confusion, it can also be a an American slang term for referring to people with extreme political views[1]. This can complicate searching for uses of the term in online spaces.

Fan Usage Examples and Commentary

One fan using the term in discussing Aaron Sorkin leaving The West Wing and watching Commander-in-Chief

The first thing you should know is that I am a "West Wing" fan. Not just a casual viewer, but the type of fan who owns all of the DVD's available, had two letters published in the Green Guide about Channel Nine's crappy treatment of it, and is so obsessed, I had a website dedicated to it for awhile.

Although I was quite upset when Aaron Sorkin left the show, I'm still happy to wait for the ABC to start showing the episodes I haven't seen yet, although I am prepared for the fact that they're probably just not going to be as well written as the first four seasons.

In the meantime, I have "Commander in Chief" to watch. Dubbed "West Wing-lite" all the reviews seemed to care about was that it was certainly no replacement for it, and West Wingnuts (as we're termed) were bound to be disappointed.

televisionlog [2]

One fan first discovering the nickname and adding a PS about it to their post:

P.S. I am now watching all four season of the WEST WING for the 6th time. if your conserned about me so are my parents. by the way i heard the coolest name for west wing fans kind of like Star Treks fans are trekies west wing fans are wingnuts know tell me that is not the coolest nickname ever anyway ttyl.

briguypoz [3]
