Too Dear for My Possessing

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Title: Too Dear for My Possessing
Author(s): torch
Date(s): 1996
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Trek: VOY
External Links: Read at AO3

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Too Dear for My Possessing is a Paris/Kim story by torch.

It has a sequel called The Perfect Ceremony.

Reactions and Reviews

Quite possibly my favorite P/K story. Don't know why I love the idea of poor Tom cutting himself with a Kazon knife, but I do. Probably the angst factor. Yet another story I reread All The Time. Also, the location of one of my favorite sentences ever, "Then love and passion had collided with such force that Tom was starting to wonder if he was going to survive the impact." I've already told torch how much I loved this sentence, but I might as well post it to the group. [1]

Torch burst onto the scene with swooningly good P/K in Too Dear for My Possessing, and has gone on to thrill us with many wonderful versions of the same pairing, including The Perfect Ceremony, the Wilder Shores d/s series, and a very dark group of post-chute stories. Also a little C/P dialogue that set my monitor on fire (Screwed and Perfect). I have to say that out of all the Voyager fanfic, I find torch's version(s) of Tom Paris to be the most heart-wrenching, as well as the most in keeping with the show. Plus, her thorough reclamation of the Delaney sisters and her new version of *mature* Harry show her to be a versatile, sensitive, and creative writer. [2]

As tough as [voting for the ASC Award] the competition is, this author is in a class by herself. Even though I have fallen out of love with Voyager and the P/K premise, I still try to read her stories as often as time permits. The woman can write a brilliant novel in about five minutes flat, and does. Too Dear... is my favorite of a long chain of insightful, moving, gorgeously-characterized, subtle and well-written stories. One stand-out aspect of Too Dear... is the wonderful characterization of the supporting characters. Though I haven't read the story in some months, I can still recall whole sections of dialogue--and for someone with a memory as bad as mine is, that says a lot! If you haven't read this (and I can't imagine there are too many P/K fans who haven't) make it your first priority! [3]

Too Dear reminds me of those Greek Dramas where you just want to shake the characters and tell them to sit down and *talk* to each other. Of course, then it wouldn't be nearly as much fun. Too Dear is basically (<laugh> this should be nominated for understatement of the year) a getting Tom'n Harry together story, and The Perfect Ceremony follows them to a planet where Tom must go through a ceremony that brings up some old demons. That is the incredibly simplified version and doesn't do either story justice. Both are required reading for Slash 101. (And The Perfect Ceremony has one SmutScene that may very well set your computer screen aflame. Have a fire extinguisher handy.) [4]

If you want to read hot believable P/K smut, read torch's stories. If anyone had told me that it was possible to write P/K D/s games with Harry on top, I'd have said, "Nope, can't be done." Fortunately, I'd have been wrong, and I highly recommend the series of stories that starts with "The Wilder Shores of Love," to anyone who doesn't believe that it can be done.  :-) Her other stories are just as good (including the perfectly toasty "Screwed and Perfect," a dialogue story that was inspired by as discussion of sex toys on the slash mailing list), and how anyone can write as well as she does and write as *much* as she does . . . well I just don't get it. [5]

I talked about one of my fave fics in the other ask. Others that live forever in my head are Too Dear For My Possessing by Torch (ST:VOY Tom Paris/Harry Kim - the ridiculous lack of communication and misunderstanding pining <3) [6]
