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List of Magnificent Seven Mailing Lists

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See Magnificent Seven. See Mailing Lists.

With Fanlore Pages

Without Fanlore Pages

  • 7H7C ADULT
  • Aftermath
  • Bad Element Luvs Gambler archive link Description: This for the slashing of Chris Larabee and Ezra Standish of The Magnificent Seven.This a flame free zone! This is an adult list for M/M fanfic. To subscribe to this list, you must be of legal age in your part of the world. By subscribing, you are stating that you are of this legal age."
  • Briga Dears
  • Buck Fic archive link Description: "A list for fic whose main character is Buck Wilmington of the Magnificent Seven. All ratings of fic is acceptable from Gen, adult and slash just be sure to use the appropriate warnings."
  • Cowboy Up
  • DunnesDarlins
  • Ezra's Littleverse archive link Description: "This is a group that ONLY focuses on stories that have Ezra Standish written as a child while still being a member of The Magnificent Seven. That does not mean that he can be the only one written as a child, but the stories do have to have Ezra as a child. Example... You could have a story where Vin and Ezra are kids who met some how (Whether it was on the streets, in an orphanage, ect.) and they some how find there way to Chris and the rest of the guys. You could even write them as being related. Or... you could have ALL of the Seven as children. It doesn't matter as long as Ezra is a kid. (Ezra story ages 2-18 accepted) Also allowed is Ezra kid stories that also include slash. However, only Grown up characters are allowed this way. NO CHILD SLASH ALLOWED! Example: Buck and Chris could be in a LOVING relationship and they have adopted Ezra, (or Ezra and Vin) as their son (or Son's) Or Chris or Buck could be Ezra's real dad, I don't care. NOTE: Slash stories cannot have graphic s e x in them. C'mon people. Were dealing with kids here. When do parents ever really get the time or the privacy they need to do it? Also... NO HET STORIES! Gen or slash... that’s it. Chris, Buck, Josiah, Nathan, JD or heck, even Vin could be a single dad raising our "little Ezra" but no Het. Rules for this list will be sent out upon subscribing and pending memberships. Also... Only OPEN stories posted here can be expanded on, as long as you contact the author first. If it's a closed story, do not add to it without express permission from the author. PLEASE! This list is dedicated to those authors with imagination and for those that Love the idea of Ezra being written as a kid while with the other six guys. Thank you. Also... Any time frame is acceptable. Just make sure Ezra is a kid. It's an AU list anyway."
  • EzrasBodyofSlash (mailing list) archive link Description: "Enjoy Slash fanfiction featuring Ezra Standish, resident gambler of The Magnificent Seven? You'll find it here, an alternative list devoted to Ezslash and only Ezslash. Fiction, artwork, discussion, constructive criticism, reviews and recommendations are all welcome here, as long as the subject is Ezslash. This list is meant as a forum where those desiring their Ezslash straight, as it were, may find it, so works containing non-Ezra pairings may not be posted here. By joining this list, you are implicitly stating that you are aware of the content of Slash fiction and that you are over the age of majority in your part of the world." Fiction archived at EzrasBodyofSlash.
  • A Gambler's Lust archive link Description:"This list is for the slash pairing of Ezra with the other men of The Magnificent Seven. Any or all of them is fine. Please come and share as many stories as you can. I love them all. This is an adult list for M/M fanfic. To subscribe to this list, you must be of legal age in your part of the world. By subscribing, you are stating that you are of this legal age."
  • The Healer's Ace archive link Description: "This for the slash pairing of Ezra Standish and Nathan Jackson from the Magnificent Seven. This is a flame free zone! This is a slash list for Ezra/Nathan *ONLY* so by joining this list you are stating you are of legal age in your part of the world."
  • hip shots
  • M7 7H7C
  • M7 Brothers by Choice
  • M7 Fic Feedback https://web.archive.org/web/20031008183244/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/m7ficfeedback/[ archive link] Description: "This list is to discuss, critique, and recommend fanfiction based on the CBS show, The Magnificent 7. This list is open to fans of all ages, so please keep all conversations decent, and if the fic discussion involves slash, death of a major character, or anything else that might either: a) send unwarned people into a frenzy. b) be unappropriate for those under the age of 17. c) etc etc, you know what i'm getting at. The rules are fairly simple: if you are discussing, recommending, or critiquing a fic, put the fic's name, and either: critique, discussion, recommendation on the title line. If you are making a recommendation, say why you are recommending the fic. Suggestions for fic writers are also allowed(welcomed actually.) Posting of the actual fic is not allowed, as there are actual lists for that. Fic updates are allowed however. And please, no flaming(I realize that this will be difficult when people start critiquing, but try. I'll be lenient considering the circumstances.) With all that said, ENJOY THE LIST!!!!"
  • M7 Pure Kink archive link Description: "Welcome to The Magnificent 7 Kink list. All Pairings and all kinks are welcome here; The only limit is your imagination. This is a *Slash* list meaning only M/M are accepted. If this isn't something that interests you please try another list. NO FLAMING will be tolerated! To subscribe to this list, you must be of legal age in your part of the world. By subscribing, you are stating that you are of this legal age."
  • Mag 7 Ad Xover offline Description: "Want the guys of "The Magnificent Seven" TV series to have adult adventures with the guys or gals of your favorite TV series, movie, or book? discuss the possibility, or write the story and post it here!"
  • Mag7 Challenge
  • Mag7 kids
  • Mag7 No Holds Barred archive link Description: "Fiction, critical commentary, and discussion for the Magnificent Seven, open membership but adult oriented. If you want straight shooting, this is the place for posting of adult Mag 7 fiction *and the critical and intelligent discussion thereof.* It has 3 rules. No discussions about what others have the right to discuss, no attacking of PEOPLE (disagreeing with ideas, style, technique, etc, is encouraged) and no fic that eroticizes the helpless. If you are don't like *real* feedback or controversy this list isn't for you." [Archive/other website: Shooting from the Hip]
  • Mag 7 Power Exchange link Description: "Welcome to Mag7 Power Exchange! This list houses postings of fan fiction (mostly SLASH) involving the characters of the Magnificent 7, and especially welcomes fiction on issues of B.D.S.M., Consentual Power Exchange, D/s and other kink or alt livestyles. (Het welcome in context of overall SLASH stories.) Subscribing to this group implies you are a legal adult in your jurisdiction and are aware of the nature of the list." Founded :Jan 5, 2002, very active the first two years, then posting dropped off considerably
  • Mag 7 Sentinel Playroom archive link Description: "Ever wonder what would happen if Jim meet Chris? Or how much trouble Blair, Ezra and Vin could get into together? Well, here is where The Sentinel meets The Magnificent Seven. You can use Old West or any modern day Mag7 AU and cross it with The Sentinel. Post stories, discussions, wallpaper and pics are all allowed here. You may post anything from Gen to Slash. You *MUST* clearly state in your header and zero posting if it's Slash, Het or gen. If you like Mag7 and Sentinel crossovers then this list is for you. This is an adult list for fanfic. We now have an archive for the list. To subscribe to this list, you must be of legal age in your part of the world. By subscribing, you are stating that you are of this legal age."
  • Magnificent 7 Slash archive link Description: "The Magnificent 7 boys deserve a little fun after all the dust and flying lead. Ezra and Joshua like to relax together. Chris and Vin know all the right spots. Come share a slashy bit of fluff. We're looking for smarm through BDSM and beyond. All stories will be posted to the WWOMB unless a request is included with the post. Joining this list confirms you are over the legal age in your area."
  • Magnificent AU's archive link Description: "This list is for Alternate Universes for The Magnificent Seven. All gen/het/slash stories allowed. We have a new webmistress, Tess. A big thanks to Wynde for all the hard work and starting the MagAu's archive Tess is taking over. You can find the new site at http://mag7aus.topcities.com/ . The Magnificent Seven are portrayed in Mog's ATF world, Kris's Search and Rescue, Cat's M7 Rocks!, Rick's Dog Show AU, Nettie Roe's Dungeons and Dragons and Star Trek. Hopefully there will be others in the making to. This is an adult list for fanfic. To subscribe to this list, you must be of legal age in your part of the world. By subscribing, you are stating that you are of this legal age. The wonderful college was made by Wynde for MagAu's website."
  • Magnificent7 Group Slash
  • Magnificent Lovers archive link Description: "If your slash philosophy includes "the more, the merrier"... if two of those Seven gorgeous men just isn't enough... then here's the list for you. Do you have a Chris/Vin/Ezra story that just needs to be told? Or is it Ezra/Buck/JD that lights your fire? Is that Chris/Vin/Buck bunny multiplying before your very eyes? Or maybe it's Nathan/Josiah/Ezra that's whispering to your muses? If it's slash and it's a threesome, post it here. Any Magnificent 7 based m/m/m or f/f/f story will be welcome. By joining this list you are stating that you are of legal age in your part of state, country or planet you are from."
  • Magnificent Obsessions offline Description: post stories, ask for help with a story or ask for help finding a story
  • The Magnificent Two archive link Description: "This list is dedicated to my two favorite men of The Magnificent Seven. Ezra and Vin. The stories are slash and feature only Ezra/Vin pairing. Feel free to post stories as long as they are Ezra/Vin pairing. A threesome with them is good too, but will not be archived on the Ezra/Vin only web site. Jo Ann maintain's The Magnificent Two's fanfiction site. If you would like her to archive your stories please put it in your heading to let her know or write to her and she'll make sure it's put on the site. You can Find the site at http://themagnificent2.homestead.com/index.html . If you love these two as much as I do then please join us. This is an adult list for M/M fanfic. To subscribe to this list, you must be of legal age in your part of the world. By subscribing, you are stating that you are of this legal age."
  • The Scoundrel and His Lovers archive link Description: "This a for the slash pairing of Buck with the rest of the sexy men from The Magnificent Seven. This is a flame free zone! This is for male/male slash fanfiction. By joining this list you are stating you are of legal age in your part of the world."
  • A Scoundrel's Innocent archive link Description: "This is for the slash pairing of Buck and JD from the Magnificent Seven. You can post stories as long as Buck/JD are the primary pairing. Because this is a slash list you must be of legal age in your part of the world to join this list."
  • The Sheriff's Gambler archive link Description: "This for the slash pairing of JD Dunne and Ezra Standish, only, from the Magnificent Seven. This is a flame free zone! This slash, m/m pairing, by joining this list you are stating you are of legal age in your part of the world."
  • The Sheriff's Posse archive link Description: "This list is for JD Dunne of The Magnificent Seven. This a *Slash* list only. You can slash JD with any or all of the Seven. This is a flame free zone! This is an adult list for M/M fanfic. To subscribe to this list, you must be of legal age in your part of the world. By subscribing, you are stating that you are of this legal age."
  • The Sihnful Zone archive link Description: "This is an adult list for The Magnificent Seven. Both Slash (male/male or female/female) and Het (male/female) relationships are accepted. *BUT* you *MUST* label your story *slash* or *het* in the header and in the Zero posting. Crossovers are encouraged. Flaming will not be tolerated."
  • TM7
  • The Wicked and The Righteous archive link Description: "This for the slash pairing of Ezra Standish and Josiah Sanchez from the Magnificent Seven. This is a flame free zone! This is a slash list for Ezra/Josiah *ONLY* so by joining this list you are stating you are of legal age in your part of the world."
  • The Wildcard and The Rogue

Related Lists

  • Anthony Starke Fiction List
  • Michael Biehn Fan Fiction