Gay League

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Name: Gay League
Owner/Maintainer: Joe Palmer?
Dates: 1997 - present
Fandom: Comics
URL: current site
main page
earlier version
Gay League 1.gif

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Gay League 3.png
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Gay League is an online community for queer comics fans.

The Gay League is an online community for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Transexual, and just plain friendly comic fans, collectors and creators worldwide. The purpose of the Gay League is to have a safe, hate-free, fun enviroment to read about, discuss, review, discover, trade, buy, sell, and learn information about comics - and make some friends online along the way. We're over 1,300 members strong at the moment, and we're hoping to grow as an ever larger presence on the net. Please explore the Gay League site. There are member profiles, art, fanfic, reviews, interviews, a list of GLBT comic characters and more. Check back for updates which are listed below, and new features! The Gay League has become the one-stop web-spot for gay comic readers on the internet. If you like what you see, tell a friend!


The Gay League community spun off from the AOLeague community in Summer 1997. It was originally called the GayOLeague or the Gay League of America and is sometimes abbreviated to GLA.


Early members of the Gay League posted fanfiction about the Queen Team in AOLeague servers. Their work was taken down, but was backed up on the Gay League site here.


New York area GLA members held annual Convergence events from 2001 to 2004. Information may be found here.