Our Stargate Forum

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Name: Our Stargate Forum
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Our Stargate Forum was a part of the Our Stargate website.

Forum Rules

Daniel belongs with his team. Period. No discussion. Argument on this point will be cause for dismissal. That's why this forum was originally created and if you believe otherwise this isn't the place for you. We can draw you a map to places where you'll be more than welcome. This forum ain't it.

All posts are considered to contain the opinion of the members making them unless stated otherwise by a moderator. Individual posters are solely responsible for the content of their posts.

*No Flames* Ever. This means flaming is bad. Flaming someone for something they said on the forum in private is still flaming and is frowned upon. The mods have no desire to play private email police but we will note any complaints and will act on them if the harassment continues.

*The Actors* Discussion or commentary on the actors and/or creative staff, MGM or SciFi (aka “TPTB”) is allowed within the realms of good taste. NOTE: Discussion on factual information affecting the show that brings us here is allowed. There are often gray areas regarding professional and personal speculation. If the mods feel a post or discussion has wandered out of the realms of good taste, that it is not suitable to the forum, or that it is personally detrimental to the individuals being discussed, a request for an edit or a deletion by the mods may be necessary. This is very much one of those cases where the interpretation of what is and isn’t allowable, unfortunately, cannot be made black and white and it is up to the moderators to decide when a discussion has strayed out of bounds. The mods’ decision is final.

*When It Comes to Discussion* Treat others with respect, whether you agree with them or not. No flaming or personal commentary will be tolerated. We always debate topics, not personalities. Please remember that disagreeing with someone on a topic, as long as it is done respectfully, is not considered by the admin to be a flame or an attack.

*Spoiler Policy* If a thread has SPOILER in the title, no spoiler space is required in the posts for that thread. It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that any thread in the Season 7 folder is going to have spoilers in it! If you're discussing something in a different thread/folder and an example comes up using a season seven episode-- then please a) warn people you're about to post a spoiler and b) use spoiler space. No spoiler space is required for episodes that have already aired in the US and UK, BOTH. Sorry Canada and Australia and the rest of the world, but god knows when the episodes will be shown there! The scheduled episode chats are marked SPOILERS and there *will be* SPOILERS during them. During all other chats, spoilers are okay as long as those present don't mind. So, check with the other folks present if you're going to start talking spoilers.

The moderators are ultimately in charge. Please listen to them if they ask you to do something or to stop doing something.

*Chat Room Rules* Our chat room is open all of the time and there is usually a moderator present. The rules are simple:

The moderator is in charge. Please listen to them if they ask you to do something or to stop doing something. Kicking someone from the chat room or gagging them is completely at their discretion.

The chat room is for discussing Stargate, and although the topic often wanders, it is not a dating service. If there is a scheduled chat in progress, please be polite enough to recognize that there might be a topic.

The scheduled episode chats are marked SPOILERS and there *will be* SPOILERS during them. During all other chats, spoilers are okay as long as those present don't mind. So, check with the other folks present if you're going to start talking spoilers.

Please: NO TEXT MESSAGING. Many people don't understand what the heck you're talking about when you use these abbreviations in the chat room. It's rude. Don't do it.

*Adult Topics* This Forum is moderated by adults for adults. Accordingly, some threads may wander into PG13-rated territory. Slash, ship and gen topics of discussion are all welcome here, but please remember you are posting on a public Forum. If you do not like gen or you do not like slash or you do not like ship, please either stay away from those threads or learn to exercise some tolerance. Siglines and pictures and commentary about slash or ship are all allowed as long as they are not graphic in nature. Please stay within the bounds of good taste. To clarify, manipulations which present the actors in suggestive poses outside of what we’ve seen on screen are crossing the boundaries of good taste in that they involve the actor’s actual images and put them in positions they might not be comfortable seeing themselves in - and we would ask members to refrain from posting those type of manips on the forum, as well.

*OT's* When the discussion continues to wander repeatedly off-topic, remember to create a new folder.

*Discussion Threads* Try to look for an existing thread on a subject before starting a new one. You can expand all of the folders to show you all of the previous threads by clicking on the folder name or by changing your settings near the top of the page.

Some threads are “protected.” This means that the subject being discussed is not open to debate. As an example, we have “protected” threads for discussion of slash called “Slashers Paradise” and for ship called “Shippers Heaven.” Within those threads, people are free to discuss slash or ship respectively without having to justify why they might like slash or ship. If a thread has (P) in the subject line/title or the first post says it is a protected thread (some of the older protected threads may not have the (P) in the title), please respect that.

Please do not put direct links to messages on other forums in messages on Our Stargate. You may link to website or to the front page of other forums but not to specific messages.

*If you’re looking for an email list to keep up-to-date on spoilers about Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, you might want to subscribe to Yahoo’s largest Stargate list. [1]
