The Fan Club Monitor

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Title: The Fan Club Monitor
Publisher: The National Association of Fan Clubs
Editor(s): Blanche Trinajstick
Date(s): 1978-2002
Medium: print
Fandom: many, many, many
Language: English
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Fan Club Monitor was an quarterly publication of The National Association of Fan Clubs.

Two sister zines were National Fan Club Directory and The Fan Club Guide.

Two terms used in this publication: "prexy" = "president" and "Honorary" = term used to describe the subject of a fan club - in other words, the celebrity for which the club was created.

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

Issue 6

The Fan Club Monitor 6 was published in June 1979 and contains 26 pages.

front cover of #6
from issue #6, club goals

From an addendum to this issue:

This publication was held up slightly, because I flew to Nashville, Tennessee on June 4th, as special guest of Grand Ole Opry star Ernest Tubb, to present to his fan club president, Norma Barthel, the keys to the 1974 Dodge car which club members had contributed money to buy for her 35th anniversary as president of ETFC. Our printed publication arrived while l was gone, so had to be assembled, stapled and prepared for mailing after I returned.

From "According to Hoyle," which uses the popular book of poker rules as an example of rules:

Fan Clubs also have ethics that cannot be ignored if a club is to retain it's reputation. We do not have a book of Hoyle to rely on for specific instructions, but we do have a moral code to abide by. Failing to recognize and uphold this code is no less cheating than some poker players try, and it is no less unethical than a quack doctor or a shyster lawyer.

Dishonorable fan club presidents would hardly be cut down with the trusty old six-shooter, and they cannot be disbarred or have their license revoked for unacceptable practices. But each club prexy should be alert to their own means of promoting their star, and they should observe and take offense to untruths and questionable methods used by other presidents working in the fan club field.

It is only by working together to eliminate this sort of thing that we can firmly establish it as a moral code of ethics that must not be broken. We must dignify fan clubs, and establish them as being strong, loyal, and beneficial organizations-. We must run our fan clubs honorably, and never be guilty of embarrassing our honorary, ourselves, or the fans, by failing to play the game "according to Hoyle".

  • The President's Page (dated May 1979, late as explained in the addendum) (1)
  • Member Comments (5)
  • The Fan Club Vice President: Sometimes An Unsung Hero, But a Good Right Arm, essay by Judith Nathanson, President of the Gene Wilder Fan Club (7)
  • Fan Club Supplies and Where to Get Them (9)
  • Looking for Fan Clubs for the Following (a list of 27 names, almost all of individuals rather than shows, films, bands) (11)
  • According to Hoyle, essay by Trina (topic is fan clubs, fan club leaders, and the requirement to be ethical and moral) (12)
  • The Helping Hands (offers and needs by club members for goods and services) (13)
  • Ask Trina (questions and answers about dilemmas and expectations for fan club leaders and members: dealing with the post office, accepting collect calls from members, is it legal to make and sell telepics, should you include recipes in your individual club memberships, how to get people to help, how to cut off freeloaders, how do you get the attention of celebrities) (15)
  • info about the annual directory (22)
  • new fan club listings update (23)
  • Pen Pal Column (25)
  • Club Goals (back cover)

Issue 7

The Fan Club Monitor 7 was published in September 1979 and contains 26 pages.

front cover of issue #7, the back cover is identical to #6
  • The President's Page (1)
  • Fan Club Supplies and Where to Get Them (3)
  • flyer for the Fan Club Association Convention (October 19-21, 1979 at the Pfister Hotel & Tower in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sponsored by Fan Club Associates, Jim Spearo, Director)
  • Ways to Publicized Your Club, article by Lois E. Gibson (7)
  • SASE: Self Addressed Stamped Envelope, article by Shirley Johnson (what is an SASE and why it's important) (9)
  • The Fan Club Journal, article by Trina (what makes a good fan club journal) (11)
  • Honorary Mini Features (short descriptions and photos of "Honorarys" for some individual fan clubs) (12)
  • Preparing a Newsletter for Printing, article by Trina (more practical advice) (14)
  • Ask Trina (questions and answers about dilemmas and expectations for fan club leaders and members) (17)
  • new fan club listings update (22)
  • Looking for Fan Clubs for the Following (a list of 22 names, almost all of individuals rather than shows, films, bands) (23)
  • Pen Pal Column (25)
  • a one-page addendum
  • a submission form for this newsletter