Calliope Burns/Juliette Fairmont

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Pairing: Calliope Burns/Juliette Fairmont
Alternative name(s): Calliette
Gender category: F/F, femslash
Fandom: First Kill
Canonical?: Yes
Prevalence: Popular
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Calliope Burns/Juliette Fairmont is a canonical femslash pairing in First Kill fandom.


Calliope is a new arrivals at Lancaster Academy and a brief montage reveals that Juliette, youngest daughter of a powerful family of legacy vampires, has been crushing on her almost since her arrival and has also been completely hopeless about initiating any interaction. When she finally does speak to Calliope, she invites Calliope to a party.

Unknown to Juliette, Calliope is both a hunter and already almost certain that Juliette is a vampire. Initially intending to stake Juliette, Calliope becomes sidetracked when they begin making out. However, Juliette, suffering various side-effects due to her reluctance to make her first kill, loses control of herself and bites Calliope, leading Cal to stake her in self-defense.

As a legacy vampire, Juliette does not die due to the staking and her survival leads to the two family — the Fairmonts and the Burns — facing off against each other for the remainder of the season. While the antagonism and violence between the families escalates, Juliette and Calliope continue to see one another against their families wishes.

The show was cancelled after one season, on a cliffhanger, leaving Calliope and Juliette canonically estranged.


The pairing of Cal and Juliette is very popular in the First Kill fandom, being the main topic of fanworks and many discussions or fannish creations on other platforms. On Tumblr, GIF sets and short clips are popular, particularly of scenes like Juliette trying and failing miserably to talk to Cal, their first kiss scene at the party, or other pivotal scenes such as Juliette's first kill. As of June 2024, of the 590 fanworks on Archive of Our Own, 474 of them are tagged with Calliope Burns/Juliette Fairmont.

With the show's cancellation, the fandom remains a relatively small one, though there is still activity in terms of discussions and fanworks through 2024. Post-canon continuations are a popular exploration for fanfics for the pairing, especially as the relationship ended at the end of the season.

Fan Commentary

Calliope: She's a 10, but, she bit me, she's a 9.8.

Juliette: She's a 10, but, she stabbed me, she's a 12.


also can I just say how funny it would be to attempt to STAKE said cute girl whom you suspect of being a vampire, believe you've killed her, find out that she apparently isn't a vampire after all, and then you show up at school the next day and she's just standing at her locker looking like shit


Common Tropes and Fanon

  • Post canon - With the show ending, cancelled on a cliff-hanger with Calliope and Juliette canonically estranged and broken up, many fanworks explore how they might find their way back to each other. Post-canon works can be set as soon after the season finale as a few hours or days, through to works exploring them meeting again on opposites sides of the fight many years later.

Example Fanworks


  • eat my heart out by ferrisue. A post canon continuation, where Cal and Juliette meet again after ten years. Cal never asked what had become of Juliette Fairmont. Juliette never asked what had become of Calliope Burns. Ten years pass, and they both move on with their lives after the events of Savannah and that night where Cal chased tail lights and Juliette didn't stop. Ten years pass before they are both dragged back to Savannah for the same reason.
  • bloodstream by that_one_urchin. An angsty short-fic where the tension betweek Cal and Juliette gets too much for them. ”You like playing fast and loose with your life, don’t you?” She asks. She should be tossing Juliette into a fire, trying everything to kill her, kill this. At least then, they’ll both be free. “It’s not living without you. It’s misery.” Juliette’s lips tremble around the admission. “I miss—" Calliope surges forward without warning, crushing the words against her mouth, unable to bear the sound of them.




Other Fanworks

Cross Stitch



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  1. ^ thundergrace post, Tumblr. (Archived-14 December 2023)
  2. ^ ohwellokcomputer post, Tumblr. June 15, 2022. (December 14, 2023) (Archived-14 December 2023)