Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery

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Pairing: Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery
Alternative name(s): Meddison,[1] MerAdd
Gender category: F/F, femslash
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: Moderate/Popular
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Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery is a fanon femslash pairing in the Grey's Anatomy fandom.



In some fanwork spaces, Meredith/Addison is one of the most popular pairings. On AO3, of the 9,651 works in January 2024, 1,679 of them are tagged with Meredith/Addison and it is the most popular pairing in the show's tag. However, in spaces such as FanFiction.Net, which traditionally skews more toward F/M works, Meredith/Addison is much less popular, with just 614 of the 15,500+ works having both Meredith and Addison tagged as the primary characters and 261 indicating a pairing between the two. In addition, Grey's Anatomy has a huge fandom outside of fanwork spaces and in these spaces fanon pairings are generally less popular. This means the popularity of Meredith/Addison can differ greatly depending on the fan space.

The pairing has remained reasonably popular throughout AO3's history, having been present amongst the most popular femslash pairings since the earliest years of AO3 and being in the top 100 femslash pairings on the site, on and off, including in 2023.

what i find funny is that the Meddison fandom probably has like 20-30 members max. we are just REALLY dedicated

sassyygayy [2]

thinking about how meredith and addison's ship name is meddison like damn they really picked the best ship name for two doctors

emily-prentits [3]

Common Tropes in Fanworks

Example Fanworks


Fan art

Fan vids

Other Fanworks

Archives and Communities

Other Fannish Resources

(Rec Lists, Big Bangs, Thing-a-thons, Holiday Exchanges, wiki links, etc.)


  1. ^ "Meddison for Meredith and Addison in Grey's Anatomy. THEYRE FRICKIN DOCTORS" Reddit comment by caitfremo, posted 5 March 2025.
  2. ^ "sassyygayy post at Tumblr". Archived from the original on 2024-01-04.
  3. ^ "emily-prentits post at Tumblr, March 2023". Archived from the original on 2024-01-04.