The Red Queen's Repose

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Title: The Red Queen's Repose
Author(s): Peg Robinson
Date(s): 1996
Fandom: Star Trek: VOY
External Links: at Archive of Our Own

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The Red Queen's Repose is a Star Trek: Voyager story by Peg Robinson.

It is the fourth story in the Talking Stick Series.

The Series

See fan comments about the entire series.

Author's Comments

From its posting on alt.startrek.creative:

Sorry this has taken so long. It turned out to be a long story, and a hard one to get right. At least I *hope* it's right.

Point of interest. "Mzee" is Swahili for an honoured elder... it's one of the words that can mean "grandmother". And Macedon, thanks for looking it up for me! For the uninitiated, this is the fourth story in a chain. The first story is "Talking Stick" by Macedon, the second is "Circle" by me, the third is "A Cherished Alienation" again by Macedon. All three are in the archives, and "A Cherished Alienation" is in the process of being reposted... or has already been, depending on which service you have and how well AOL has been doing its job. Macedon also has a copyready to ship y'all if necessary, and can be reached at [email redacted]. The reason I bring this up is because these stories really do each have an effect on each other, and "The Red Queen's Repose" will make a *lot* more sense to you if you've at least read "Cherished" beforehand.

On to the disclaimers.

Voyager is the property of Paramount, now and forever, as are the characters pertaining thereto. Thus has it been, thus shall it ever be... or at least as long as the copyrights hold out. The material created by Macedon in his links is *his* and I'll help whomp anyone who says otherwise. My own material is my own, however, and that includes the material below. (Excluding the Lewis Carroll quote. Lewis Carroll and both of the "Alice" books, not to mention the Snark and the Boojum, belong to the world, and the world is the better for them.)

Hope you enjoy it.

Fan Comments


Tuvok attacking Magda through her "mental instability..." Damn. Like, the way the crew of the Federation flagship treated Barclay in "Hollow Pursuits" over on TNG makes it clear that whatever passes for mental illness sensitivity training in Starfleet, it's less than useless, and that casual ableism has found fertile ground in our (not so, and not just in this area) "enlightened" future, but just... damn.

Which is not a knock on you, or even necessarily on Tuvok. These stories have been great so far (I'm still in the process of reading), and your presenting Tuvok as a flawed man who's still learning to let go of his prejudices has been great to read. It's nice to see all of these characters grow in ways that most of them weren't afforded in the show itself, and really great to see the crew outside of the show's main cast be fleshed out and given a real presence on the ship.

Also, I really like your portrayal of Janeway. She has her prejudices, has that self-righteous streak that was (to my mind, and I know this is subjective) one of the few things that was really consistent about her character over the course of the show, but she's experiencing more realistic consequences both of her own behavior and the situation in general, and the way she's been meeting those challenges has been fascinating to read. Her long dialogue with Magda and her explanation to Chakotay about why she supported the Federation-Cardassia Treaty in a later chapter were especially interesting. All in all, I really like the way these fics have been "Reality Ensues: The Series," and I like the way you tackle the characters--they feel like real people, good and bad mixed together. [1]


I've loved Magda since I stumbled across this story in the early 2000s. She's among the best OCs in fan fiction. [2]


MAGDA! MAGDA! MAGDA! I love her SO MUCH! [3]

I wish Janeway could leave the maquis (not B'Elanna) in some planet and the ship could still function well, they have the right to not want to stay in the ship if they don't want to follow the rules and Voyager would be better for it.

What a bunch of unlikable people, *two years* in this trip, countless of life and death situations (or maybe in this universe they spend all their time telling each other stories) and they still don't have an ounce of loyalty for Voyager and its captain. Of course you had to have some "bad" starfleet crew members to try for "balance" but the maquis are truly the worse. I still can't believe that the captain folded and she is going to have to keep catering to them because they know the power they have now but I did like when Janeway was thinking that having those people wearing starfleet uniform was offensive, never thought about it but I hundred percent agree about it. Chakotay was quite useless as a Star Fleet officer, hell he was useless as a maquis captain as well since no one listened to him, he started the whole thing and wasn't able to do a single thing to fix it.

The best part of this story is that I kept remembering all those fics and even canon books that have the federation putting the maquis on trial and me and everyone else think it's so unfair and it is because they have been one loyal crew for so long but in this fic it's actually something I would have been looking forward to see it and I like to imagine that will happen to them. Makes me feel better after reading this. [4]

this is the type of story i always wished star trek would tell about the maquis and the federation.[5]
