The Back Pages

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: The Back Pages
Author: Helena Snow-Renn
Dates: 06 December 2003 - 24 July 2007[1]
Fandom: Lotrips
URL: (Wayback link)
main page
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The Back Pages was a personal RPF fanfiction site with Lord of the Rings RPS and RPH.

It was a member of the LotR NC-17 fanfiction webring[1] and the LotR RPS webring Guilty Pleasure.[2]

According to Guilty Pleasure it "Includes mostly RPS but some RPH. Author prefers Bean but finds OB easiest to write...." and LotR NC-17 fanfiction describes it as "LotR RPS & RPH, separate and mixed. Original fanfic, etc. Focuses mainly on the principle players."

The author had a note about her fictional preferences on her website:

They come in two flavors, or you can try it with a twist.

Since the day I discovered its existence, I've prefered slash. But in the realm of personal experience, het is what I know best. You have to admit, as hot as most of these people are, why would they limit themselves, & why should we? Morals? This is not the place for them. If you've gotten this far, you've already acknowledged in some way your willingness and ability to suspend your disbelief at least long enough to read a story. So suspend just a short while longer and try both.

For those of you who cannot or will not, or just want your lines drawn clearly, choose the link below most suited for your personal tastes. Don't forget to clean up your mess and sign the guestbook when you're done.

The site had its own glossary page.[3]



For all readers: My characters are real people, but in my stories they have a lot of character confusion & have a hard time separating themselves from the roles they play in LotR. They often make very blatant references to other people's sexual preferences & activities, which on some pages is a total gaff. RPS is NOT evil. Viggo, Sean, Orlando, & the rest of them freely offer up their faces & bodies to the world as a product, & that is what i'm making use of here. Again, I make no claims what-so-ever as to their personal lives. In the words of the immortal Muffin, "This is fick-shun!" if you don't know the difference, shame on you!

There is no screecnap the RPS section but the story Something was captured by the Wayback Machine. The pairing is David Wenham/Orlando Bloom.

Warning: General wierdness, talking in circles
Timeframe: Main shooting
Disclaimer: As always, this is fiction. It never happened.
Archives: OEAM, Heart of Slash


Slash - I'd have thought you'd have it by now! M/M pairings, romance, sex.
Beta - Online friend who serves as proofreader/editor. It is good form to credit him or her.
RPS - Real Person Slash. Writings involving real people/actors in fictitious situations. Eg. Joe Blow/John Doe. In most fandoms (see bottom of page), initials are used commonly .    
FPS - Fictional Person Slash. Writings involving made-up characters. Eg. Aragorn/Legolas.
Fan-girl - the type of fan stars run from, the fainting, screaming, frothing-at-the-mouth type.
Het - heterosexual; straight.
Erotica - Artistic works featuring sexual acts, for entertainment purposes.
Homoerotica - same as above, featuring homosexual relationships, usually male
Mary Sue - A principle character who remarkably resembles the author. In other words, the author has inserted herself into the, uhstory.
OFC - Other Female Character. Can also be just Other Fictional Character.
AU - Alternate Universe - anything from skewed time continuum to totally alien. Sci-Fi/Fantasy is sometimes referred to as AU.
Femslash - Erotica featuring homosexual female relationships.
Flame - Hate mail.
Pairing - Who's doing who.
Sweet spot - Pet name for the prostate gland.
m/m -  male/male, meaning that kind of relationship (also used, f/f & m/f).
Vanilla sex - "Normal" sexual relationship, either gay or straight; two-person, no kink.
Angst - Dark, tragic and/or melancholy to follow.
Bottom - The fuckee, in sex; the receiver. Bitch. Catcher.
Chan - Underage characters.
Character death - Would be self-explanatory, but note, the character is not dead in real life or they do not die in the original story.
Crack!fic - Either extremely funny, extremely rude, extremely sexual, or all of the above. But for sure it has to be LOFLMFOA-worthy.
Crossover - Combining different fandoms and/or their characters. Example: Wolverine(X-men)/Angel(Buffy).
Drabble - Quickly written piece that really goes nowhere, often exactly 100 words long.
Fandom - A cult-ish following and hangers-on of a movie, TV series, book, etc. Just a few: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BTVS), Harry Potter; LotR; Pirates of the Caribbean (POTC); Star Wars; X-Files; X-Men; Xena, Warrior Princess; next epidemic is sure to be Troy.
F/B or fb = Feedback.
Ficlet - Very, very short story but longer than a drabble; fiction.
Fluff - Cuteness, silliness, and light. Birthday spankings. Grown men playing dollies. Etc. Anything that is very sweet.
Hurt/Comfort - Self-explanatory. Usually involving emotional hurt, physical comfort, but not always.
Interspecies - Hobbits on Elves on Wookies, oh my!
Intergenerational - Getting it on with someone old enough to be your father; our the reverse, your son; or even more extreme.
Kill - When something is unforgettable, it has 'killed' you. This would be a comment.
Kink - Like it sounds: kinky. Can involve sex toys and games; BDSM or role-playing; being tied up, hit/whipped, punished, humiliated; wax; cross-dressing; watersports; or just talking about the same.
Language - There will be cursing in the story.
LJ - "Live Journal." Online phenomena for communications and posting. Most slash-writers have one for easier feedback. 
M-Preg - Male pregnancy.
Non-con - Non-consensual sexual situations. Rape would be the most extreme.
OTP - One's preferred pairing, i.e. VigBean. So far no one has been able to tell me what the initials stand for. **Thanks to ladybluelove... OTP = One True Pairing.**
Plot bunny - or just 'bunny.' Inspiration. "I was visited by the plot bunny."
Poison - As in, "What's your poison?" Usually choice between FPS and RPS is being offered, or a smorgasbord of characters.
POV - Point of view.
PWP - Literally, "Plot, what plot?"
Rimming - Oral sex of the anal kind. Always a favorite with slash.
Sap - Much the same as fluff, even more emotional to the point of ridiculousness
Schmoop - See fluff, but a bit harder with more plot.
Smut - Self-explanatory. Graphic, slutty sex-just-for-the-sake-of-it.
Squee - derived from 'squeal'. What really hot slash mades you do.
Squick - Something offensive or that otherwise make one sick; "If it squicks you, then leave."
Teh - This is the word "the" spelled incorrectly. Essentially one is too 1)impressed, or 2) sitting in a puddle of their own goo to comment coherently. It's a compliment of the highest form. e.g. "You just wrote TEH SEX."
Top - The fucker, in sex. Pitcher. Bull. Alpha male.
Twee - Feelings of love, deeper than sex. Or at least a good, healthy crush.
Wibble - What your insides do when you're squee-ing.
WIP - "Work in Progress."
Yaoi - Another word for slash, Japanese in origin.


  1. ^ a b The Back Pages, via Wayback: 2009. (Accessed 20 March 2021)
  2. ^ The Back Pages, via Wayback: 2005. (Accessed 20 March 2021)
  3. ^ Key. (Accessed 20 March 2021)