Sol y Luna

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Name: Sol y Luna
Date(s): 2002 - 2008
Archivist: Altair
Founder: Altair
Type: fanfiction
Fandom: Saint Seiya, Harry Potter, Fake
URL: Sun and Moon, Sun and Moon 2.0
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Sol y Luna (also called Sun and Moon) was the personal fanfiction archive for Altair a fanwriter from Mexico. The site was initially thought to host Harry Potter fics (the side of the website represented by the moon) and Saint Seiya fics (the side of the website represented by the sun). Later it also included some for the manga Fake. All fanfiction is in Spanish.

The Harry Potter subsection included one dedicated to the Wolfstar ship called "Moony and Padfoot Hideout". The Saint Seiya section included the epic fiction "La Batalla de los Doce Tresors". A fic that takes place after the Poseidon Arc and that covers an alternate version of the Hades Chapter, and a Zeus arc after Masami Kurumada said in an interview this was the future plans he had for the series.

The page also had some non fannish writings and meta.

The page moved from the hosting stormpages to deshoa in 2005 because stormpages rolled the website back to a version from 2002.