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Name: Xanthe Walter
Type: fanwriter, community moderator
Fandoms: Doctor Who, NCIS, Stargate: Atlantis, The West Wing, The X-Files
Communities: atlantiskink, slashspank, ncis_spankyfic
Other: xanthe.org
Xanthe Yahoo!Groups
URL: xanthe at Dreamwidth
xanthelj at LiveJournal
xanthestories at Dreamwidth
xanthestories at LiveJournal
xanthewalter at Tumblr
Xanthe Walter at Twitter
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Xanthe is a best known fanwriter for her BDSM stories. Her first fandom was The X-Files, where she mainly wrote slash and het Skinner pairings. She then moved into The West Wing, Doctor Who, Stargate: Atlantis and NCIS.[1]

She has also founded several communities such as atlantiskink,[2] slashspank,[3] and ncis_spankyfic.[4]


Fannish History: Some 2001 Comments by Xanthe

In 2001, Xanthe was interviewed as part of the X-files Sisters in Smut Interview Project.

Some excerpts:

Nom de Plume ( please tell us what inspired it )

Xanthe. Hmmm, I dunno. It was one of those things that just was *there* in my head for no reason! When I came to put a pen name to my first story it just popped into my head so I went with it. I could have searched around for ages for the right name and not come up with anything as apt. I liked the "X" for X Files, and the "anth" from the middle of my real name, Samantha, with the "e" rounding it all off (the e is pronounced! It's said Zanthee although some people have read it as Zanth!)

What was your first encounter with X-Files fanfic?

After finding the "Voyager" fanfic, I knew what I really wanted to find was "X Files" fanfic. I don't know why as "Voyager" was my favourite show at the time but I didn't really read any of the fanfic, I just searched for "X Files" stuff because I knew that was what I wanted to read. I started out reading MSR because that's what I *found* but I really didn't enjoy it much so I was delighted to stumble upon Skinnerotica! I knew that Skinner was the man I wanted to read about!

How long have you been a fan of the show?

When it began I didn't watch it because I'm a big wuss and I thought it would scare me! But then two people told me I *had* to start watching it so I did. I enjoyed it but didn't really become a *fan* until "Redux" when I just fell head over heels in love with Skinner. I'd noticed him before but in that ep he was so lovely and Mulder and Scully didn't trust him and it was so sad when he was trying to be their friend!

What made you into a Skinneroticist?

That scene where Skinner turns up at Mulder's apartment and Scully opens the door and he's all beaten and bloody and she looks *so* impressed and asks him how he got the information he's given to her and he just growls "unofficial channels." Sigh! Swoon! The man has the most amazing body and Scully would have to be crazy not to want to jump those bones! And it has to be said that the only time Scully has voluntarily kissed *anyone* with great passion was in Triangle, in a certain elevator....and boy was that one very surprised AD!

Then there's the way that man *moves*. He's like a beautiful, prowling panther. I love the way his butt kind of sticks out, all biteable, under those woollen pants I've practically fetishised those crisp white shirts he wears - oh boy he looks great in those. What an amazing pair of shoulders! He really wears a formal suit well. Then there's his lovely dark eyes, so expressive behind the wirerims - Mitch does a wonderful job showing what's going on in the man's soul just through those haunted eyes. And I love bald men. I really want to smother that head with kisses. It's beautiful! I like his long legs too!

What was the first X-files/Skinner story that you wrote and what inspired it?

The first one was a really bad post-"Redux" threesome that has never been posted anywhere and is still languishing on my hard drive. I seem to recall that flying frogs featured strongly which is a good reason for it not seeing the light of day! The next stories I wrote, and I'm not sure what order they were in, were "A Question of Trust" and "Role Play". "Role Play" is mostly slash, but "A Question of Trust" is my first Skinner/Scully. I'm still very fond of it! I was inspired to write "A Question of Trust" by Scully's insistence in "Redux" that Skinner was "dirty". I wanted to howl and yell! I mean how much *more* does the poor guy have to do to show he's trustworthy! I'm very "ambidextrous" in that as far as I'm concerned a story can be about Skinner with *anybody*, male or female, or more than one person - I just want to show Skinner being lusted after, looked after, adored, kissed, trusted etc, etc, etc!

Fan Comments

Xanthe has written tons of stuff that you must read if you like X-Files at all. This chick knows from good writing. Skinner is her favorite character, but she treats Mulder and Scully with equal love and attention. Her writings are under "Storyzone" and separated into categories for easy navigating. "24/7" is a long, brilliant study of Sk/M in a master/slave relationship. She adds meticulous details and insightful character development to a very yummy slash relationship. It's a long series but I've read it twice, it is that good. I think she said there are still 3 more chapters to come. (Please note the warnings on these stories!!!) Other slash must reads include "Walter Watching," another loving Sk/M that makes you want to bundle Skinner up and feed him soup for, like, a month, and "Subterfuge," which is a different take on Sk/M in a dom/sub relationship that starts off as an undercover mission and becomes a little more real than either expected. I also like this author's het stories such as her sweet "The Missing Link." Scully and Skinner hook up online (unknowingly!) She treats their insecurities and uncertainties so well that I found myself blushing when the characters did. Anything Xanthe writes is pretty much guaranteed to be good, so don't be shy! [5]

Xanthe's Permissions


1 .My stories are available on my site for you to download. You can print my stories, bind them and add pictures etc for your own personal use but you MAY NOT offer them for sale.

2. Some of my fanfiction stories are available in zine form from Agent With Style. I do not make any money from these whatsoever. You may not make your own zines of my stories to sell.

3. Some of my stories are available as podfics (audio recordings) and translations. If you wish to record or translate one of my stories, please contact me first to make sure someone else isn’t already doing it and to gain my permission. Once you have finished a recording or translation, please send me the file so I can put it on my website for people to download. You may not make your own recording or translation and offer it for sale.

4. You may NOT write an original character novel set in any of my story universes (e.g. the BDSM universe) and offer it for sale.

5. I would prefer you not to write any sequels, prequels or ‘missing scenes’ to my fanfiction – just because I might want to write them myself one day! Please seek my direct permission if you wish to do so.

6. You may write not-for-profit fanfiction set in any of my universes, but you must link back to me in your headers and give credit.

7. You may write not-for-profit fanfiction for any of my original character novels – just remember to link back to me!

8.You may not repost or archive my stories anywhere without my permission

9. Artwork for my stories is the property of the artist. Please do not use them as bases for your own work, or reproduce them without permission from the artist.

I will take legal action if my commercial copyright is breached, particularly relating to items 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, in respect of unauthorised sale. If you are in any doubt about any aspect of permission, please contact me...[6]

Notable Stories


External links


  1. ^ Bio section of Xanthe's LJ accessed 15 November 2008
  2. ^ atlantiskink profile page accessed 15 November 2008
  3. ^ slashspank profile page Accessed 15 November 2008
  4. ^ NCIS Spankyfic profile page accessed 15 November 2008
  5. ^ Writers I Love
  6. ^ Permissions, Archived version, accessed June 15, 2016