Three Impossible Things

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Title: Three Impossible Things
Author(s): Jenn
Date(s): 21 June 2002
Length: 180 K, 31671 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Smallville
External Links: Three Impossible Things (Indulgence)
Three Impossible Things (Smallville Slash Archive)
Three Impossible Things (AO3)
story cover

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Three Impossible Things is a Clark/Lex story by Jenn.

Summary: Clark changes everything.

Recs and Reviews

Three Impossible Things by jenn - I'm not quite sure how I went this long without recommending jenn's work. Probably because of my die-hard hatred of second person POV. jenn is usually able to make me forget how much I don't like second person, because she's talented, and because she combines skill with lovely style, particularly in her more recent work. Three Impossible Things is spot-on gorgeous. And - bonus rec! While you're poking around her site, read the wonderful Sleep While I Drive, too.[1]
