Thoughts: Letting Go

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Thoughts: Letting Go
Author(s): Helen
Date(s): 2000
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Thoughts: Letting Go is a Kirk/Spock story by Helen.

It was published in T'hy'la #21.


"After Sarpeidon, Kirk goes to Spock to apologize for pushing too hard for answers but Spock opens up to him and both end up revealing their feelings for each other."

Reactions and Reviews

This is a mood-piece, taking place after Spock had been with Zarabeth. We get Kirk's thoughts, about how he wants Spock; then Spock's thoughts.

It starts out with a feeling of structure, the sections having headings, but when Spock comes in at the end in first person present tense, it feels odd.

But ah...there is a really lovely moment when Kirk starts out saying how he is there for Spock, about trust and so on...and then more revealing words just slip out. This is done very nicely, seems very realistic, that this would happen. Then he has to say, "I should go—while I still can." I love moments like this. Especially as they lead gently into a beautiful sex scene written well. Satisfying. [1]

"Thoughts (Letting Go)" by Helen is a four page story. It's a rather sweet first timer with almost no complications which is set after the episode with Zarabeth. Kirk and Spock have a tense conversation and when Kirk goes to apologize to Spock later on, he lets slip his feelings. Then they join together. Obviously this is fiction and not life as we know it. But it's a nice little story to read. It will put a smile on your face. [2]

This PWP story left me with warm and fuzzy feelings. OK, so it has plot. The plot is that Kirk and Spock have had a little tiff upon return from their trip through the Atavacron, because Kirk in typical fashion pushed a little too hard, but they both suffer from the argument and soon make up. There. Now to the good part: the making up. It is in a word, exquisite! Beginning with a light, almost chaste kiss, it evolves into the most sensual touching. Every hill and valley of the muscular bodies is explored. When mere touching is no longer enough, they fit those magnificent bodies together spoon fashion...and ohhhh the things they do! Imagining them entwined this way makes me very happy. [3]

After "All Our Yesterdays" Kirk finds himself jealous of Spock's encounter with Zarabeth and Spock finds himself snapping at Kirk for his questioning about that relationship. Apologies lead to the expression of their true feelings - and, of course, Spock's bed. [4]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #54
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #55
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #60
  4. ^ from Halliday's Zinedex