Theory of Flight

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Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan Fanfiction
Title: Theory of Flight
Author(s): Cori Lannam
Date(s): 19 June 2000
Length: 61k
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: Theory of Flight (Master & Apprentice)
Theory of Flight (Cori Lannam's Fan Fiction)

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Theory of Flight is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Cori Lannam.

Summary: In anticipation of knighthood, Obi-Wan struggles with a final lesson from the Force and his master.

Recs and Reviews

A complete knockout in terms of the *canon* characterization of Obi-Wan. He's serious, he's stiff, he's un-fun. Just like in the movie! Imagine that. And Qui-Gon has that finely honed sense of mischief one can extrapolate from the movie canon. Here, Qui-Gon wants Obi-Wan to loosen up, to let go. Terrific dialogue.[1]

Here is a beautifully written, well balanced story with a plot line so believable that It makes more sense than George Lucas' version of things. This is one worth reading. It explores the depth of emotion repressed by Jedi training. It shows us Obi-Wan's as an emotional creature from the inside out. And yet it does all of this without distorting the characterization of Obi-Wan. It's hard not to like this story. [...] Cori is a fabulous writer with a clean style and a good eye for flow. Her stories seem to come from sheer logic. They move with grace and are balanced with equal parts of wit and insight. She has also master that incredible talent of the 'great opening lines'. Is there nothing she can't do? This story is Obi-centric, taking us through and emotional exploration that is both cleansing and sexual. Obi-Wan heals after nearly losing his Master to the Sith's blade. Now He must deal with losing him as his Master as he faces his trials. The story takes us through the evolution of Obi-Wan Kenobi as faithful Padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight and lover. The metamorphosis is indeed satisfying. [2]

The bloom is off the rose for me in PM -- but my socks can still be knocked off by the right story. Theory of Flight by Cori Lannam won me over with its tight and clever characterization -- especially of Obi-wan:
"I can't believe you said I was stodgy."
"You are stodgy." Qui-Gon sounded perfectly calm, the model of everything Obi-Wan had tried to emulate. "But don't take it so hard. Many Jedi are. Indeed, most of the Council--"
"Just stop," Obi-Wan said wearily, and Qui-Gon chuckled again.[3]

Qui-Gon is simply amazing here. Obi-Wan is about to take his Trials, and his Master knows how to help him prepare in every way -- from yenta to potential lover, his advice is just what Obi-Wan needs.

They balance each other to perfection, and it shows in every line of the story.

Obi-Wan's reaction when he hears that Qui-Gon has called him 'stodgy' is priceless, as is their banter about it.

Here's a marvelous sequence --

Qui-Gon asks his Padawan, "What would make you happy right now?" Obi-Wan's non-verbal answer:

"He closed his eyes and let his mind drift into the idea of happiness...The feeling welled up, pulled at him, and he followed...Then he felt only the bristle of hair and the softness of lips as he found himself kissing the source of his joy."

Sublime! [4]

Obi-Wan has one final lesson to learn before his knighting. This is a sneaky story. I vaguely remember reading it several years ago and enjoying it, yes, but not really connecting with it for some reason. I recently reread it and...WOW. Brilliant metaphor, possibly the best Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan voices ever in a (relatively) short fic. Just...Yes. I won't admit to how many times I've re-read it in the last few might sound obsessive. *g*[5]

theory of flight, by cori lannam. qui/obi. r. aw. awwwwwwwwwwww. how hard is it to learn to fly? qui's going to make sure obi gets it. eep! oh with the cuteness. ohhhhhh.[6]

Obi-Wan has to learn to let go of his stodginess and learn to fly. If you're looking for a non-fanon interpretation of the characters, this is a great story. The writing and imagery are beautifully done.[7]

While helping Qui-Gon recover from his injuries, Obi-Wan anticipates his knighthood, but not without a final lesson from the Force and Qui-Gon. I love Cori's work; it's always thoughtful and balanced with true characterizations. I love the way this piece flows from angst to realization to love without being wordy or over-done. Classic Q/O at it's best.[8]


  1. ^ Destina. Worlds Without Boundaries: Star Wars Fiction Recommendations, updated June 13, 2002. (Accessed 10 April 2015)
  2. ^ batagur in tpm_flashback. Theory of Flight by Cori Lannam, 06 October 2004. (Accessed 10 April 2015)
  3. ^ Sandy Herrold. All Jewels Have Flaws: Older recs: 2000. (Accessed 23 April 2015)
  4. ^ Merry Amelie in quiobisupport. Fiction rec: Theory of Flight, Q/O NC-17, 24 November 2014. (Accessed 27 April 2015)
  5. ^ Sori in polyfandomrecs. Neglected Fandom Recs: Phantom Menace, 28 July 2006. (Accessed 08 May 2015)
  6. ^ cimorene. Recs: Star Wars, via Wayback. (Accessed 10 May 2015)
  7. ^ Eshva. The Forest of Eshva: TPM slash recs (Qui-Gon friendly). (Accessed 02 November 2015)
  8. ^ hsv_fangirl in crack_van. Theory of Flight by Cori Lannam (NC-17), 16 February 2013. (Accessed 30 December 2015)