Cori Lannam's Fan Fiction

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Cori Lannam's Fan Fiction
Author: Cori Lannam
Dates: 22 April 1999 (Wayback capture) or before - 02 April 2008 (last update)
Fandom: Multifandom
URL: 1999, Waybacck) (circa October 1999 via Wayback) (circa 2010, Wayback)
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Cori Lannam's Fan Fiction is Cori Lannam's slash fanfiction page.

It started out as Cori's Corner and was listed as Cori Lannam's Fanfic in the Slash Fan Fiction on the Net index in 1998.[1] The site was a member of the Duncan Methos Slash Ring.[2]


Fandoms include Highlander, Sentinel, Sports Night, Phantom Menace, Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings, Everwood and Stargate SG-1.

Star Wars TPM

Description from Padder's Messy Room:

Corri Lannam...Extraordinarily Resilient, not a humour story per se, but I vouch with my reputation (always a safe thing to swear by) the first bit of the dialogue is funny - the rest is just the best bond story I've ever read with an exceptional ending capping off the plot. Another recent story is A Small Price To Pay where we see the Anakin/Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon relationship in a completely new way. And either my mind is playing havoc with me (not an unusual occurance) but I swear I remember reading this fic right before a certain collision a certain actor had with deers. Poor dude, Qui's injury is so much better. Anakin is adorable in this fic, I had no compulsions to push him out of a spaceship at all. And Qui-Gon *snicker*, if I may steal Mace's line "You dog!" More fics and excellent cross-fandom recs on Cori's homepage. [3]



  1. ^ Slash Fan Fiction on the Net S-Z, via Wayback: 06 December 1998. (Accessed 07 September 2013)
  2. ^ Fanfiction for Highlander and The Sentinel, via Wayback: 22 April 1999. (Accessed 07 September 2013)
  3. ^ Padder's Messy Room. Recs. (Accessed 28 November 2015)