The Object of My Erections

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: The Object of My Erections
Author(s): Francesca
Date(s): 10/31/98
Length: 6,533 words (or: 41k, in the old language of fic email lists)
Genre: slash fanfiction,
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: The Object of My Erections, author's site; also on the 852 Prospect archive

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The Object of My Erections is a classic Jim/Blair story by Francesca, originally posted to SXF and to the 852 Prospect archive in 1998. This falls into the general category of sex pollen stories, though the substance which acts as an aphrodisiac for Jim is not pollen but pheromones.

The Object of My Erections is characterized by Francesca's trademark style: quips, banter, and long sentences punctuated by em-dashes ("--this was good, this was great, this was the best thing ever and then some--"). Like many TS stories, this one makes use of the partners' spirit animals as seen in dreams, which leads to the oft-quoted line "what the hell is this, Discovery Channel porn?"


"No, no, it's — it's familiar, this — it's — " He stopped suddenly, laughed. "Oh, you gotta be kidding."
"No, no," said Jim to himself as much as to Blair, "this is too much, this is the final straw."
"What is?" demanded Blair.
"This is just ridiculous," said Jim.
"Jim, I am not going to stand in the corner all day, so you had better start telling me what is going on with you!"
"You'll laugh," said Jim.
"I'm not laughing," said Blair, and he wasn't. "Come on — go ahead. Spill."
"It's, uh...oh, God," groaned Jim. "It's pheromones, okay?"
"Pheromones? What do you mean — what, mine? You — to me?" Blair burst out laughing. "You're kidding, right?"[1]

Reactions and Reviews

My all time favourite Sentinel story. A serious first time story showing the depth of Jim and Blair's affection and love for each other. It also has some wickedly funny dialogue as Jim and Blair attempt to deal with the new and unexpected development of physical attraction. A good introduction to slashdom and to Senslash in particular.[2]

I have a real thing for stories which make use of something that was presented in canon. At the time when I first read this, I had only seen season 1, so it was difficult to satisfy that--many stories (many of which I still haven't read) making use of elements introduced in later episodes (dials, spirit animals, breath of life, etc etc.) This story deals touchingly with the emotional ramifications when Jim's heightened pheromone sense (cf 1x9 Attraction) suddenly begins reacting to Blair.[3]

The idea that the Sentinel and the Guide have to fuck is The Ultimate TS Slash Premise, so if you're new to the fandom-- get used to it, you'll be seeing it a lot. Here's one of the best takes on the cliche, The Object of My Erections, and surprise, surprise, it's by Francesca. You don't need to know much else, really. The dialogue sparks and snaps, the guys act like the realistic, down-to-earth *adult* men that they are, and the sex is hot stuff. Go, read, grin till your face hurts.[4]

You know.

The answer to "Why this must be read" can be said in one word.



  1. ^ The Object of My Erections, accessed February 14, 2012
  2. ^ from Whispered Words
  3. ^ TS fic hall of fame, accessed February 14, 2012
  4. ^ a 2003 rec at Crack Van
  5. ^ a 2003 rec at Crack Van