The Storms and Fury Series

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Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan Fanfiction
Title: The Storms and Fury Series
Author(s): Tilt
Date(s): 30 November 1999 - 20 June 2000
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: (Wayback link)

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The Storms and Fury Series is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan series by Tilt.

The story had its own website and was linked to from Mac & Anna's Place in the category "Individual Author Fiction and Fannish Personal Sites" and it was marked as a slash site.[1]

It was one of those things that just happened.

I didn't intend to write another book.

One major obsession a year is plenty, don't you think? Apparently the Force doesn't work that way. Especially when you have a talent that appears to be inexhaustible.

I posted the first story of this series, "Love Knoweth No Law", on November 30th, 1999. I had just finished my Great Jedi Soap Opera, The Way of the Mystics, fifteen days before. I'd posted a few George's Joke Reels and a short POV story for the Mystics Universe. I was noodling, just happy to be out of the Mystics, trying to "wind down" as it were. Then someone posted some URLs for some fan art websites in Japan and I went to have a look.


One of the pictures inspired me.

Why not, I asked myself, re-invent Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan?

Thus, "Love Knoweth No Law",

Then BlackRose was wanting some "fluff" and ... "The Quiet Stars" .

Then I was thinking about Kosovo and ... "An Unjust Peace".

Then I felt bad because I'd made Obi have his mind taken over and ... "Storms and Fury" .

Then I took a break for a little, went to ChattaCon, glared at my enemies, watched ROTJ-SE, noodled about with a Highlander story, then thought maybe I was feeling up to writing again and fired up the WordPad. Obi needs a solo adventure, I thought, something with teeth in it, something where he can show off...

"Perish the Universe"

Then, damn it, it became a two-parter and I couldn't just leave it there, Xanatos was out there somewhere and who knows what he's doing...

"So Long As I Have My Revenge"

And now here I am, in a lull between stories before I begin the next part, and I decided maybe it was time to put these up on the website.

I didn't intend to write another book. But it looks like I am anyway. [...]

NEW! June 20, 2000

The conclusion of the Seng War! Every time I get on MA Chat, someone usually asks me when the next Storms and Fury story will be out! It's taken me a while, I had "Someday Out of The Blue" happen in between, but here it is at last. "Peace Hath Her Victories" ended up being 322K in .DOC file format, longer than "Perish" and "Revenge" put together. I even tried to outline it first, which is a sure goad to creativity because like most five-year-olds I can't color within the lines to save my life. Includes the Part Zero information in Part 1.

Please don't shoot me for the ending, I have another story planned!

There was also an unrelated story on the website:

This one is once again UNRELATED to Storms & Fury AND the Mystics AU. It came about at the happy convergence of a picture, a song, and a weird dream. Originally posted on the Master/Apprentice mailing list. I've included the header information. Another "What If...?" kind of story where Obi-Wan did NOT become Qui-Gon's apprentice but instead took another path in life. Tie-Dyed Wookies, speeder bike races, virtual reality, and funny t-shirts. I personally think this is one of my best stories so far!
Someday Out of the Blue


"Love Knoweth No Law"

"The Quiet Stars"

"An Unjust Peace"

"Storms and Fury"

"Perish the Universe"

"So Long As I Have My Revenge"

"Peace Hath Her Victories" -- Part 1

"Peace Hath Her Victories" -- Part 2

NEW! April 23, 2000 A poem for the Storms & Fury series, I Remember


  1. ^ Mac & Anna's Place. Links, via Wayback: 20 February 2001. (Accessed 20 December 2015)