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Fraser/Kowalski Fanfiction
Title: Tilt
Author(s): Resonant
Date(s): 2001
Length: 5203 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: due South
External Links: on the AO3

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Tilt is a Fraser/Ray K story by Resonant.

Reactions and Reviews

So, I should've known the minute "Eat cold steel, goblin warriors!" came into it that there was gonna be some sucky sucky, but I'm dumb, OK? The Fraser characterization is more innocent than I tend to like my Frasers, but the sex is mindnumbingly hot and Oh. My. Gawd. Could we please have some more of that? I'll even ignore (a) Resonant's insinuation that those under 25 wouldn't get A CERTAIN SONG stuck in their heads and (b) the fact that there is A CERTAIN SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD and repeat that request for more. [1]

Best FF That Destroyed Cherished Childhood Memories of Mine, but Will Not Destroy Any Memories of Yours, Unless Your Father Also Sang You to Sleep with "Pinball Wizard." And If He Did, Email Me, Because We Probably Had the Same Father; I Mean, There Couldn't Be Two Men Like That. Tilt, by Resonant, aka resonant8. Due South, Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski.

Well. Ray and Fraser. Wanda in a chainmail bikini. Pinball. Kissing in public. Mountie-suit-related cruelty. Sex. And Resonant. Do I need to tell you more to sell you on this thing? I thought not. So let me, in the grand Livejournal tradition, change the subject to myself. Yes, my father really did sing me to sleep with "Pinball Wizard," because apparently I used some of my very first communicative words to request it. (This is such a revealing detail that anyone out there who also happens to be a member of my family will recognize me from that alone. So, if you know who I am now, go away. Get your porn recs from someone you don't share any genes with.) And when I say "requested," I don't mean once; I asked for it every night until I was five or six. And since I didn't sleep through the night until after first grade, my father spent hours every night singing this song. For years and years. (Yes, mine is the best father in the world. And that was totally non-sarcastic; even this LJ is capable of sincerity, on occasion.) God only knows why "Pinball Wizard" had such an unhealthy attraction for me. But I can't help thinking all that early exposure to the deaf, dumb, and blind kid who sure played a mean pinball warped me in some essential way. [2]

This is just great, fun and whimsical and incredibly hot like all good stories about these two.[3]

Elongated pwp, but well written and with some lovely moments.[4]
