Seven Nights in Bangkok

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Title: Seven Nights in Bangkok
Author(s): Karen Miller
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): 1980s
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Professionals
Language: English
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artwork as it appeared in Mixed Doubles #2

Seven Nights in Bangkok is a gen novel by Karen Miller.

It was originally published in Mixed Doubles #2 and may have later been offered as a stand-alone zine. It was eventually released as part of the circuit library.

Reactions and Reviews

Karen Miller wrote a story I read about five or six years ago, and I still remember it as if I read it yesterday. SEVEN NIGHTS IN BANGKOK. This is probably the first "straight" PROS's story I read that convinced me that, yes, there is more to straight PROs than "Mary Sue"! Ray is put through the wringer in this one (psychological as well as physical torture), and yet.... NEARLY ALL OF IT IS LEFT TO OUR IMAGINATIONS! And the effect is none the less powerful for it. There's also probably more love and "hurt/comfort" here than in most "physical trauma" stories, but again, all of it is emotional and understated... it's a small masterpiece. It's one of the best B&D relationship stories I've ever read. Ray has to learn to accept his perceived weaknesses, and live and function within CI5 again, and in the process of helping his friend, Bodie learns a lot about himself, too. This is another author that has gone "pro," and again, it shows. [1]


  1. ^ from a fan in Short Circuit #3 (October 1990)