Not On My Watch

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Title: Not On My Watch
Author(s): Aries
Date(s): ?-2000
Length: ~255,000 words
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: The X-Files
External Links: Not on My Watch 1 - 4 (TER/MA)
1: Not On My Watch (Aries Fiction)
2: That's What Trust'll Get'cha (Aries Fiction)
3: Comfort is a Four-Letter Word Aries Fiction)
4: Remember Me (Aries Fiction)
Cover art by The Theban Band

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Not On My Watch is a Mulder/Krycek series by Aries. It has four parts. The last part won the 2000 Lisa e Krysa Awards in the category Best Novel.

  • Not On My Watch: Mulder gets himself involved in a hostage situation, and just when it looks as though things could get really ugly, Alex steps in and saves him. Atta boy, Alex. And now Mulder has gone from the frying pan and into the to speak.
  • That's What Trust'll Get'cha: Mulder tells Scully about his week-long stay with Alex in Oregon, and boy, is she pissed. Trouble arises for our boys as a result. Something happens to get the three of them back to Alex's cabin, they get snowed in, Alex and Scully square off, and by some miracle, all three get back to Washington alive. Mulder tells Skinner about his relationship with Alex, and more trouble ensues, setting us up for part three.
  • Comfort is a Four-Letter Word: "This is part three in the Not On My Watch Series. Those of you who read part two know that there were hints thrown about Skinner's feelings for Mulder. We're about to deal with that. And, in my defense, let me just say... wait... you know what? I'll tell you at the end of the story."
  • Remember Me: Bad things happen when Skinner makes an unwise decision based on his hatred of Alex.

Recs and Reviews

This one is my favorite M/K series out there. The first M/K stuff I read was by Aries. This one is my absolute favorite though. The boys have alot of ups and downs in this one. Trying to come to terms with being attracted to one another, with what they feel for one another, and finally trusting each other. Part 4 Rememeber Me, is the best one of the series. I have never cried so much reading a fanfic. It is absolutely fabulous, I read part 4 all in one sitting, once I started I just couldn't stop. Did some shoulder shaking crying, as I refer to it, until about 2/3 into it, then sniffled for a little while longer, I finally dried up near the end. It was just so sweet and so tragic. Things aren't what they appear to be at first, trust me on that one. Do you see any warnings attached to this rec? No, then trust me and keep reading part 4 no matter what it looks like at first. The first three stories are just as good and set up the love and romance for part 4 beautifully. Some angst in this, plenty of romance, lots of hot sex, and just enough sap. Perfect. Oh, in case you don't know, all of Aries stuff is really long. Usually, ends up turning into a series, in fact. So settle in for a long read with this series. If you check out any more of her stuff, which you should, definitely read the Admission series, skip the last part Recovering though. That is when she got mad at DD and the series just goes downhill. She should have stopped at the one before it. So trust me and just skip that one. Read all the rest of her stuff though. Be aware that DC Rain is pretty harsh. It's the only story I've ever read that dealt with what it must be like being a hooker truthfully and with brutal honesty so it isn't easy to get through. Don't go there if you aren't in the mood for a hard read.[1]

Got to love a protective Krycek, and the sex! Aries' smut is as hot as ten boiling suns in the sky[2]

Also read the *Not on My Watch series* which you can find on the main fiction page listed here. Pay special attention to the last one *Remember Me*. That one makes the entire series stand out. It is just beautiful, angsty, and incredibly sweet. The first time I read it, I cried through the entire first part and two thirds of the way into the second. I mean serious crying, I didn't stop feeling like the waterworks were on a hair trigger until the end of the second part. Any story that make me cry that much is good in my book. I don't cry easily and usually not that long and hard. Remember Aries reminder that things aren't as bleak as they seem and things will get better 'sooner' or later. You don't see any warnings do you so things aren't always as they appear.[3]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 28 March 2015)
  2. ^ aris in blue(s). X-Files Recs (Accessed 03 April 2015)
  3. ^ comments by Clio at Slash Sluts Multifandom Recs Board: Aries Fanfiction - X-files, Archived version, August 2000