HP Flashficathon

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Name: HP Flashficathon
Date(s): 16 December 2003 – 26 January 2004
Moderator(s): Lasair (lasultrix)
Type: Ficathon
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: Announcement & sign-ups / Masterlist
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The HP Flashficathon was a 2003–2004 Harry Potter ficathon hosted by Lasair on LiveJournal. It was inspired by the BtVS/AtS flashficathons run by marguerite_26.

70 stories were written for the ficathon. Notable fics include Maya's "A Distinctly Different Manner of Finding Prince Charming".

idiotparade (verstehen) set up a HP Flashficathon Archive for authors to upload their stories to after the end of the challenge. It is now offline.


What's this thing all about?

You submit two pairings you'd like to see written, and you receive two. You write one (or maybe both) and you get written one (or maybe both) and it all comes together in a beautiful buddy-cop movie sort of way. [...]

In addition to two pairings, you can put in a requirement, such as "no NC-17", "Ron must make fun of Draco's hair" or "post-Hogwarts". You should aim to keep the fic at around 1000 words, but really that's just a loose guideline - part of what keeps ficathons snappy. On January 31st, sometime between midnight GMT on the 31st and midnight GMT on the 1st, you should post your flashfic on your LiveJournal, saying who it's for and what the requirements were. Oh, and don't tell anyone but your betas what your assignment was beforehand - that's part of the fun! [...]

Any restrictions?

Seeing as Harry Potter's such a weird and wonderful place, and lots of people get easily squicked, I thought it might be prudent to request that at least one of the pairings you request be human/human (or human/thing that passes as human, I suppose) and non-incestuous. Feel free to request your preferred pairing of the two, though. And yes, slashers may get het and hetters may get slash, but stepping outside your usual boundaries is good for the writing muscles! Remember, it doesn't have to be particularly long, it doesn't have to be smut, and at least you have two pairings to choose from. Last resort? There's always Polyjuice. ;)[1]
