Floating World

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Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan Fanfiction
Title: Floating World
Author(s): Jane St Clair
Date(s): 12 February 2000
Length: 30k
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: Floating World (Master & Apprentice)

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Floating World is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Jane St Clair.

Summary: Qui-Gon wanders off. Obi-Wan gets lonely. Qui-Gon comes back. Obi-Wan is mindful of the future. First in a possible series.

Recs and Reviews

Jane St Clair writes gorgeous fic. She has a lovely quiet style that sneaks up and surrounds you with warmth and leaves you with a smile on your face, and this story is no exception. Qui-Gon has been on a solo mission while Obi-Wan languishes on Coruscant trying to deal with his loneliness and need until Qui-Gon returns. Not a smutty story - there's no sex at all - but a beautiful and loving one. There is a sequel, A Warm Place, but it doesn't have quite the same feel.[1]

floating world, by jane st. clair. qui/obi. r. obi-wan floats. and thinks.[2]

Stunnigly wondeful use of words. Sparce well paced strong Obi-Wan voice.[3]

Carefully Everywhere Descending / Floating World / A Warm Place by Jane St. Claire. Jane is like a legend on M/A now. She has a style all her own. Few have her mastery of language and none has her touch. She once told me she couldn't do torrid passion. Just as well as this purported handicap of hers results in stories that are surpassingly beautiful not for tempestuous emotions, but serenity and sublimated desire. Quiet, subdued, very, very tender with more left unsaid than said. Such is the poetic mood that permeates the 3 stories here. Obi-Wan's love for his Master is slowly simmering with subtle promises to flare up one day but not quite yet. [4]


  1. ^ veronamay. The Phantom Menace recs: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan, 29 July 2005. (Accessed 22 April 2015)
  2. ^ cimorene. Recs: Star Wars, via Wayback. (Accessed 10 May 2015)
  3. ^ iatethebunny in furious_words. Star Wars - Perfection Is Flawed, 09 February 2007. (Accessed 26 November 2015)
  4. ^ Obiphil's Master of the Galaxy, Story Recs, Wayback: 19 February 2001. (Accessed 14 June 2020)