Carefully Everywhere Descending

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Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan Fanfiction
Title: Carefully Everywhere Descending
Author(s): Jane St Clair
Date(s): 03 August 1999
Length: 26k
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: Carefully Everywhere Descending (Master & Apprentice)
Carefully Everywhere Descending (Jane St Clair's Fanfiction)

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Carefully Everywhere Descending is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Jane St Clair.

Summary: Obi-Wan is willing to accept that his Master wants a new Padawan, but his composure is only skin deep.

Recs and Reviews

What can I say? Yes, Obi-Wan's characterisation doesn't ring entirely true for me. But oh dear, the language. The images. The play of light and shadow. The deep silence of the piece. I just adore her style, her way of creating atmosphere, the almost meditativ calm of the story. This - for me - is a pure mood piece, and a beautiful one at that. I come back to this story often, sometimes at night when I need a sense of quiet, sometimes at day when I try to recapture a certain mood for writing. Jane St.Clair's writing influenced my own. Her other stories are on the website, I recommend reading all of them, especially "Breath", the sequel to "Carefully Everywhere Descending". [1]

Phantom Menace fandom continues to amaze and astound me. More than any recent fandom, it seems determined to prove that Sturgeon was an optimist, but any fandom that can encourage someone like Jane St Clair to turn out a lovely story like Carefully Everywhere Descending needs no defense. (And check out the sequel, Breath.)[2]

Another M/A author is Jane St Clair. No doubt you've also already read her stories, if you're reading TPM fic. Carefully Everywhere Descending is my favorite. Slash.[3]

(Recs for the Fandom that Ate Manhattan) [...] I have these friends. (blush) Very sick friends. (You know who you are.) And these friends have conspired at various times and in various combinations to coerce me, with their Jedi mind tricks, into reading Q/O slash. And, um, well. Here's some of the stuff I really liked (and you can quit looking at me like that right now): (Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Slash) G-rated, and one of the sweetest stories I've ever read in any fandom. I'll be haunting the archive and hoping to see Jane St. Clair post again.[4]

Carefully Everywhere Descending / Floating World / A Warm Place by Jane St. Claire. Jane is like a legend on M/A now. She has a style all her own. Few have her mastery of language and none has her touch. She once told me she couldn't do torrid passion. Just as well as this purported handicap of hers results in stories that are surpassingly beautiful not for tempestuous emotions, but serenity and sublimated desire. Quiet, subdued, very, very tender with more left unsaid than said. Such is the poetic mood that permeates the 3 stories here. Obi-Wan's love for his Master is slowly simmering with subtle promises to flare up one day but not quite yet. [5]


  1. ^ raina_at in tpm_flashback. Carefully Everywhere Descending by Jane St.Clair, 04 October 2004. (Accessed 17 April 2015)
  2. ^ Sandy Herrold. All Jewels Have Flaws: Older recs: 1999 and before, 15 Agust 1999. (Accessed 24 April 2015)
  3. ^ James Walkswithwind. Gila's Cave Recommendations. (Accessed 08 May 2015)
  4. ^ Merry. Radio Free - Unplugged: Multi-fandom Fiction Recommendations, 13 August 1999. (Accessed 19 April 2016)
  5. ^ Obiphil's Master of the Galaxy, Story Recs, Wayback: 19 February 2001. (Accessed 14 June 2020)