Fanlore:Featured Article Archives/2024: Week 18

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ACE DAY (Apr 2021) by EggyDaxy, featuring SpongeBob SquarePants from the cartoon of the same name, Todd Chavez from BoJack Horseman, and Kyle Broflovski from South Park.

Asexuality is an umbrella term that encompasses both people who do not experience sexual attraction, as well as those who feel little attraction, or attraction conditioned to some factor.

In fanworks, an asexual or "ace" character usually does not display much or any interest in sexual sensations. A related term is an aromantic or "aro" character, who usually does not display much or any interest in romance. While fanworks featuring asexual and/or aromantic characters are common in some fandoms, they are very rare in others.

There are many ace fans who create fics, fanart, and meta that portray ace characters. Ace fandom communities congregate anywhere there are fans, across all fandoms. Ace fans also put together communities, fic exchanges, and fests focused on ace characters and portrayals. Some asexual fans prefer gen or queerplatonic fic, while others enjoy or prefer shipping fic.