Excess Baggage

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Title: Excess Baggage
Author(s): Aries
Date(s): 28 November 1998
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: The X-Files
External Links: Excess Baggage (TER/MA)

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Excess Baggage is a Mulder/Krycek story by Aries.

Summary: "Okay, which one of you chicks proposed this one? I can't for the life of me, remember...okay, Nic says it was Orithain. The boys get stuck in the baggage car of a train together."

Recs and Reviews

This is another Infernale Challenge story. This one is Aries response to 'The Train Challenge'. Mulder, Krycek, and an empty train car. Ah, the possibilities. [...] It's really just a wonderful PWP, but well sometimes you just have to love those. There's some UST in this one, but then that's what slash is about. Resolving that sexual tension that we see. It's a first time story which I love too. I've read this one I don't know how many times. That's why I'm rec'ing it, it's one of my favorites. Duh! Hard to describe though honestly. Above where I said Mulder, Krycek, and a train about summed it up. Well, wait I forgot about the hot sex part. There that sums it up. It's a PWP, what do you want. It's not even really all that long. Well, for Aries stuff it isn't all that long. I do love this story though. It has a wonderful sweetness to it and a low angst level. So if you are in the mood for that you just might want to check this one out. Oh, don't forget the hot sex, can't forget that. Though, I do want to say that spit isn't really a good lube. Ouch! [1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 29 March 2015)