Epilogue (Supernatural story)

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Title: Epilogue
Author(s): Jayne L (serrico)
Date(s): April 19, 2012
Length: 27,724 words
Genre: Slash, Threesome, Time Travel
Fandom: Supernatural
External Links: LiveJournal

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Epilogue is Supernatural story that is written as a coda to episode 5x04, The End, where the Castiel from a future timeline is sent back to the present timeline. It is a highly recced fic, especially for fans of the Endverse.


Summary: Bobby is here, swearing somewhere above and behind him; and Dean is here, talking about 2014 like it's a foreign country; and Sam is here, and is not Lucifer. Which means--

Cas is no longer when he was. Lucifer sent him back.

Coda to 'The End'.

Reactions and Reviews

One of the best end!verse inspired works I’ve read (and I have a thing for the verse and have read quite a bit). Dean and 2014!Cas are fantastically in character. 2014!Cas in this story is probably the best characterized that I’ve ever read. Seriously. I hate when authors portray him as some useless, strung out drug addict. Yes, 2014!Cas was constantly on something, but he was absolutely still functional. The author, JayneL, did a wonderful job of writing him. I really cannot praise this work enough. Um…also, there’s Dean/Cas/2014!Cas and it was done really well (believable and hot).[1]

This is a totally gorgeous piece of writing. Cas's inner monologue is brutally, fatally self-aware, and also quite blind about some very important things. Castiel's response to his older self is perfect. All the characterizations are great. There's sex, and it's scorching hot, but that's not the really important part; what matters is how Dean has shaped Cas without even realizing it. And the end, while bittersweet, is the only possible end.[2]

This is the sexiest fic I’ve read, but it’s the characterization of Future!Cas that makes this my absolute favorite fic. He is just so.. realistically broken but he loves Dean, even if the Dean he has is not his Dean. I absolutely love this fic![3]

Cas, and Castiel, are complicated and desperate characters, and Cas’s observations about the Dean who’s not yet 2014 Dean are just wonderful.[4]

This is one of the most amazing, evocative, genuinely heart-wrenching fics I've read in a long time. Just. CAS. You captured 2014!Cas' voice and character perfectly, with a great contrast to S5!Cas. Dean and Sam and Bobby were also wonderful. The uncertainty and tension through the fic made it impossible to stop reading (not that I wanted to!) and you handled Cas' crisis of identity/purpose in a very beautiful, true-to-life way.

And the sex. That is one gorgeous, blisteringly hot sex scene FOR THE AGES. I swear my brain short-circuited at the end, I have no idea how Dean remained coherent.

I loved so many little details. The interactions between Lucifer and Cas (which I wish we'd gotten more of in canon, though I suppose the possibility remains open), Cas' familiarity with Bobby's house, the divergences between the two timelines (or more like 'alternate realities' by the end, I guess). I loved how 2014!Cas was so different from Castiel, and yet so desperately unable to escape his old self and his sense of the past. ...

The ending was - well, it was sad, but also very fitting and satisfying, and arguably the best ending that could have come from that situation. I just have SO MANY FEELS[5]

I thought this was fantastic. I loved how intense all the confrontations with Cas were, Lucifer, Castiel, Dean and Sam included. I'm not generally a shipper of this pair, but the All the relationships were very vivid and I was sold.

Great bitter 2014 Cas POV---found him a compelling POV and it gave a new spin to SPN fic--basically an OMC with all the benefits of him also being canon.

Glad the ending wasn't super easy or happy, but had a genuine sense of relief.[6]

Wow, this fic! It will always be one of my favorite end!verse fanfictions. With how Cas is so flawlessly displayed as the broken, torn, defeated man he’s become, coated with sarcasm; the glimpses of Cas’ fall to humanity and the rise and crumble of he and Dean’s relationship and co-dependency; and, of course, the beginning of present Castiel and Dean’s relationship. Not to mention the sex…[7]

A really skillfully written end!verse Cas, broken but still functional, still Cas.[8]

The penultimate AU End!Verse fic[9]
