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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Curtains
Author(s): Anna S
Date(s): 2000?
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Curtains on AO3

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Curtains is a Jim/Blair story by Anna S.

Reactions and Reviews

Anna is famous for her Curtains, because it at one defines and subverts a popular genre in Sentinel fiction.[1]

Because only Anna S. can make a story about Jim and Blair buying curtains more than just a piece of domestic fluff. She has a brilliant way with words. Consider:

Jim gave proof by exhibiting by a burst of lingual artistry on Blair's chest that made Blair tilt his face to the ceiling and groan. He might have been Stevie Wonder singing with sightless bliss.

They stayed this way for a while, Jim allowing himself to be slowed down even further, to a taffy-pull of rhythm that moved them from head to feet.

The voices ring true in this story, you’ll smile, you’ll laugh, you’ll get hot under the collar. All over curtains.[2]

A sexy, romantic-but-never-sappy poptart of a story.[3]

Anna is, fortunately, still writing stories, although she's switched fandoms; she recently posted several pieces of Sentinel fiction, and the one I want to include here is Curtains, which is, literally, a curtain-shopping story. A very funny curtain-shopping story. These two stories would probably provide a wonderful opportunity to study how Anna's gift for entertaining, rambling-yet-precise dialogue has changed and evolved over time, if it were possible to remain serious and analytical while reading them. Someone should try it.[4]

Because it's fluff with a big twist. It's fluff but turned inside out. I love stories that bugs me when I first read them. This story looks like a piece a fluff but it takes all the domestic cliches and turns them around. Curtain fic. Sentinel curtain fic. Domesticity at its best. Hardware store, mall and sex. A day in a life. Anna's way. I still like this story. Even if it bugged me the first time I read it. : ) [5]

Anna's strengths are intelligent writing and a great ear for how the guys talk. You can just visualize them doing these things, saying these things, with no trouble at all. Enjoy.[6]
