Xena Fan Fiction: Methods, Resources, And The Future

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Title: Xena Fan Fiction: Methods, Resources, And The Future
Creator: Barry L. Marshall
Date(s): October 1998
Medium: online
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
External Links: Xena Fan Fiction: Methods, Resources, And The Future, Archived version
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Xena Fan Fiction: Methods, Resources, And The Future is an essay by Barry L. Marshall.

It was posted to Whoosh! #25 in 1998.

Some websites listed in the essay: The Xenaverse Codex, The Ultimate Fan Fiction Directory, Shadowfen's Index, Tom's Xena Page, Xena Online Resources (XOR), Mary D.'s Xena Site, Buumzer's Xena: Warrior Princess Vault, Dancyer's Den, Silk's Xena Page, XXL's Xena Fan Fic Site.

Some forums listed in the essay: The Bard Cafe, The Coliseum, and The Xenite Forum.


  • What Is Xena Fan Fiction?
  • Necessary Legalities
  • Methods and Techniques of Writing Xena Fan Fiction
  • Xena Fan Fiction Resources
  • Presenting Xena Fan Fiction
  • Xena Fan Fiction Websites
  • The Future of Xena Fan Fiction
  • Biography


There are as many methods of writing Xena FF as there are authors. Many Xena FF stories emphasize action, intensive character development, emotions, humor, and romance. Here are a few suggestions for guidelines to follow:

a. Use the Xena TV show to get a feel for the characters, settings, and current story lines.

b. When using the characters from the show, do not have them do anything that seems out of character.

c. The creation of well-developed new characters adds spice and dimension to each FF story.

d. The characters in your story should learn and grow from their experiences.

e. Each story should have a well-developed plot (unless the FF piece is a poem, a vignette, or "stream of consciousness" writing).

f. Examine each story for inconsistencies (i.e., time elements, logic, etc.) and correct anything that is incongruous.

g. Sentence structure and cadence affect the "flow" of the story. Example: Longer sentences can be used to create a relaxed mood, while shorter sentences can evoke a feeling of excitement.

h. If you start a Xena FF story, I encourage you to finish it and share it with as many people as you like (see the section on presenting your FF).

i. If you are not sure how to write Xena fan fiction, read Xena FF and emulate (do not copy -- be original) the authors that you like.

j. Always edit your story by checking the spelling, punctuation, and grammar before presenting it.

k. The Resources section of this article contains places to get tips on the technical aspects of writing.

l. When writing your story, seek feedback from other writers about your story. Xena FF bards and readers can be very helpful in the writing of your story.

Fan fiction on a large scale began in the 1960s and 70s with Star Trek. These fans were hungry for more adventures of their heroes, so they penned their own stories. Since then, the fan fiction phenomenon has grown with other TV series such as The X-Files, and of course, Xena. With the advent of the Internet, the scope of fan fiction has grown dramatically.

Prepare to wear sunglasses, the future of Xena fan fiction looks very bright. Currently, there are over 1500 Xena FF pieces on the Internet written by over 500 bards, and these numbers are growing fast.

Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are contracted with the show until the year 2000, but even after the show ends, Xena fan fiction is poised to continue their adventures.

What is it that inspires authors to write Xena fan fiction? I will not go into too much detail since this is a subject that also merits a whole article. Suffice it to say, Xena: Warrior Princess inspires authors to write FF because the characters on the show are highly developed, and the audience can easily identify with their human foibles and struggles. This TV show reflects the endless possibilities of the human journey through life. With this in mind, I think it is safe to say authors will continue to write Xena FF for many years to come.