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Mailing List
Name: XanderZone
Founder(s): Tenhawk
Type: Fanfiction
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Scope: Fanfiction
URL: XanderZone Fanfiction Archive (archived)
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The XanderZone was a mailing list for crossover and non-crossover stories focused on Xander Harris from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was known for het and gen fiction, and is responsible for starting the Halloween fic craze which took over the fandom in the early 2000s. The mailing list had an associated fanfiction archive of the same name.

The XZ was known as a group that favoured Heroic Xander in fanworks and was consequently viewed as a space for Marty Stu!Xander fics by others in fandom. The mailing list and archive were owned by Tenhawk and the archive also hosted their epic multi-crossover AUs; Journeyverse and Wandererverse.

The Yahoo Group is currently defunct, but the archive remains online at the time of writing.


From the archive:

Welcome to the Xander Zone.

A Xander-centric fanfiction group. Crossovers, Shippers, and AUs welcome and encouraged. I just ask, please no Evil Xander fics... Let's keep the heroic angle, huh? :)

These are the general rules agreed upon by the XanderZone group at yahoo, which is the source of the content of this archive

Xander-Slash is NOT, under any circumstances, what so ever, tolerated at all !
m/m slash is barely tolerated, and definitely frowned upon. And since there are plenty of other groups and lists for that kind of stories, they should stay there. Some pro-slash writers and readers in the group agreed upon that.
f/f slash is tolerated, but NOT by everyone, male and female members alike. And should be CLEARLY marked as being f/f-slash in the subject line. There were a slightly higher tolerance on canon slash (W/T and W/K) in non-graphic (less than NC-17) situations
NC-17 stories, regardless of sexual orientation, should also be marked clearly as such, in the subject line.
Brownie points to any story where Xander kills Spike...twice.

And if you're reading, remember the motto : Feedback - It's the coin of the Realm.[1]
