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Title: Journeyverse
Author(s): Tenhawk and others
Date(s): 1999 - 2016?
Length: ~140 stories
Genre: AU, Crossover, Het
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Journeyverse Archive (archived link)

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Journeyverse is a Xander Harris-centric multi-crossover fic started by Tenhawk. It became an epic multi author work, expanding to include more than a dozen authors. This fanfic had a dedicated Yahoo Group and archive associated with it.

Grads over and Xander leaves on his Road Trip. He winds up going a lot further then he ever expected.


A possibly incomplete list of authors who wrote in the Journeyverse:

Reactions & Reviews

We couldn't have a crossover week and not rec Tenhawk's hugely epic Journeyverse. Seriously, the crossover to end all crossovers - I stopped counting the number of crosses once I passed twenty if that gives you any idea.

Essentially, the 'verse is a collection of stories that start out during Xander's post-graduation road trip and involves his various adventures with every characters from every TV show, movie, and book imaginable. There is some criticism that Xander turns into a Marty Stu/Gary Sue - there is some validity to this, I admit. Xander does develop all the hallmarks: extremely powerful, well-loved and -respected by everybody, somewhat anachronistically experienced, all with a dash of guilt and nightmares. What saves the story is that it is very well-written with some fabulous lines and just all-around FUN. It's pure action/adventure in every sense of the word and it does an excellent job of letting other characters shine. Yes, Xander does get to save the world... a lot - but the other characters get the chance to really kick ass as well.

If you enjoy action/adventure then this is a must-read. It's a really fun, incredibly epic 'verse, plus you get to play spot-the-crossover. ^_^


Archives & Fannish Links


  1. ^ Journeyverse by Tenhawk (NC-17) recommendation at epic_recs by caduceus03, 16 Oct 2008. Accessed 21 Apr 2024.