X-Files Fanfic Addiction Site Interview with Slippin Mickeys

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Interviews by Fans
Title: X-Files Fanfic Addiction Site Interview with Slippin Mickeys
Interviewee: Slippin Mickeys
Date(s): June 1999
Medium: online
Fandom(s): The X-files
External Links: interview with Slippin Mickey, Archived version
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X-Files Fanfic Addiction Site Interview with Slippin Mickeys took place in 1999.

It was for the website X-Files Fanfic Addiction Site.

Other Interviews in the Series


XFFFA- How long have you been writing X-Files fanfiction?

SM- Well, I started my first story (called 'Vinculum' which as yet, is STILL not done) in the summer of 98. So, I guess the answer to your question would be almost a year now.

XFFFA- How did you find fanfiction on the net? Do you remember the first story you read?

SM- Well, I had been to a few X-Files sites and seen the term 'fanfic,' but mostly I thought to myself, "who ARE these psychotic people?" Oops, my mistake. ;) One day, I was over at the XF Multimedia Archive (which was a real kick-ass site until *Fox* went and decided to make them take all of the cool stuff offà) and I must have been really bored because I decided to go check it out. I unfortunately don't remember the name of the fic that I read, but, it had to do with Mulder and Scully (mainly Scully) trying to get it on when something always happened to stop them. Looking back, it was a little bit odd, but if anyone out there knows the title of it, I'd love to know! (FYI, the most memorable parts took place on a plane, in an airport, whatever)

XFFFA- If someone asked you to recommend some fanfic to read, what top five stories would you suggest?

SM- Oh, *what* a good question. :) Now, that would all depend. If they were a noromo, I'd ask them what the hell was wrong with them, and if they were feeling alright, or had their eyesight checked lately, then, I'd apologize because I wouldn't have a clue what to recommend. I've never really read a noromo story. (They actually *write* those??) But, if they were a shipper, and had relatively the same tastes as I did, I'd start them off on a casefile, probably. Then, I'd make them read "Dance Without Sleeping." That's like, required. Then it gets rather difficult because there are so many good stories out there. I'd recommend "Going Nowhere," then maybe one of my stories. Only kidding! We wouldn't want to turn them off to fanfiction forever, now would we? Then, perhaps "Regular People," by Caroline Faye. I'll leave the fifth spot open for all of those kick-ass fics that I'm totally forgetting.

XFFFA- If you could be any character in the show who would you be and why?

SM- What a fun question! At first, I was thinking Krychek, because he's got his fingers into everything going down *anywhere*, and he DID get to kiss Mulder,[1] but then, I don't think I could figure out how to work my prosthetic arm as well as he does. I mean, he's so good with it, you can't even tell it's a fake! ;)

And then, I was thinking Frohike. The man gets to openly be a pervert, and he's also got some really good toys to play with. But then, if I had to hang out with Byers and Langly all day everyday eating nothing but huevos racheros, I'd probably kill myself.

I finally decided that I'd use this power of being anyone on the show for some good. I'd be Pusher. Robert Patrick Modell. I'd use my powers of influence to convince Mulder and Scully to not worry about the scientific nature of the whammy, but to just enjoy it... If you know what I mean. ;)

XFFFA- If you could change any character in the show who would it be and why?

SM- Diana Fowley. If I could change her, I'd have her walking around with my foot stuck in her face.


  1. ^ in the episode "The Red and the Black"