Wine, Women and Schlong

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Wine, Women and Schlong
Author(s): Brighid
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: hopefully at AO3

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Wine, Women and Schlong is a Jim/Blair story by Brighid.

Author's Summary

"Blair gets locked *in* a closet and then has to get back out..."

Reactions and Reviews

Caught in the office supply room at the University, Blair overhears a conversation that shocks him -- then makes him think about the real nature of his relationship with Jim. ...Blair is now a cop, but it's not working out... The title should give you an idea of what to expect from this story -- it's very, very funny. I love the Blair first person POV and I love the way Blair gradually has his series of epiphanies. And I love the fact that Jim is the one who knew the truth all along.[1]

Brighid has managed to find the perfect blend of sweetness and humor in this gem of a story. She has not only flawlessly captured Blair's voice but has nailed the way Jim communicates (not through words but through his actions). Watching Blair's slow realization that he and Jim have been married for eighteen months and he was the last to know is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.[2]

Brighid has the most lyrical way of writing. I guarantee you'll love all her other stories as well.[3]

Best FF That Manages to Make Contagious Disease and Its Affiliated By-Products Romantic: Wine, Women and Schlong, by Brighid, aka brighidestone. The Sentinel, Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg. This story could use a little proofreading, but it is so worth reading. It's light and fun and funny, and, as I mentioned in the category title, it actually manages to make mucous romantic, which is clear proof that Brighid is a slash genius. Also, I love Sentinel stories that point out what the writers of the canon apparently missed - namely, that no one on this planet could possibly have believed Jim and Blair weren't lovers. I mean, they live together, work together, get jealously possessive of each other, protect each other, and cuddle after life-threatening situations. They probably do each other's laundry, too. Newborn babies must have looked at them and thought "Gay. Totally gay," never mind the people who actually worked with them. It's nice that FF writers could step in and pick up the slack, here. Of course, that's what FF does for every aspect of the canon. This is why a portion of my personal mantra is, "Thank god for slashers, who return a modicum of sanity to the world of The Sentinel." [4]

blair gets locked in the supply closet and overhears a conversation and has an epiphany. you can probably tell from the summary that you've read this formula before, but after all, it's a really nice formula--at least i've always loved it. and this one is awfully cute. [5]
