Wind to Fire

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Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan Fanfiction
Title: Wind to Fire
Author(s): Nansi Alexander
Length: 26k
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: Wind to Fire (Trinityslash)

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Wind to Fire is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Nansi Alexander.

Summary: After six years on different paths, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan reconnect.

Recs and Reviews

After the events of TPM, Obi-Wan was knighted and he and Qui-Gon went their separate ways. Six years later, they meet again. This is what I like to call simple, classic feel-good fic.

Excerpt: He'd never meant to quite so completely lose touch with this man. The dozen years of Obi-Wan's apprenticeship hadn't been trouble free - how boring that would have been - but Qui-Gon had come to love his Padawan with fierce protectiveness and he'd been equally proud of his apprentice's accomplishments as Obi-Wan grew from a rather reserved, shy boy into a confident, well-centered man.

And then had come the mission to Naboo - their last together as master and apprentice, as it turned out. In the aftermath, Obi-Wan was knighted, his braid cut, his feet firmly placed upon the path they'd both worked toward so single-mindedly. Absorbed in their work, not sent on missions that overlapped, they drifted apart. A similar ending to a similar story lived by thousands of Jedi every year.

With the exception that Qui-Gon was curiously uninterested in training another Padawan. Instead, he'd opted for the Jedi- equivalent of a high-wire act: complex and delicate negotiations, frequently moving behind the scenes as the Chancellor's special envoy. He'd tracked his former apprentice's career, always expecting him to team up with another Jedi, though Obi-Wan had not done so. Nor had he yet taken a Padawan of his own.[1]


  1. ^ hsv_fangirl in crack_van. Wind to Fire by Nansi Alexander (R), 14 May 2012. (Accessed 02 January 2016)