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Name: Wildstorm
Date(s): 1992-2010, 2017-ongoing
Profit/Nonprofit: profit
Country based in: United States
Focus: comic books
External Links: Wikipedia

Official Site (Image Comics)

Official Site (DC)
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Wildstorm (also known as WildStorm), was an independent comics publisher set up by comic book artist Jim Lee and writer Brandon Choi in 1992. It was one of the founding imprints of the Image Comics collective and hosted two sub-imprints:

Wildstorm itself produced a number of successful comics properties (WildC.A.T.s, Gen13, Stormwatch and DV8) although attempts to break into other media were less successful. In 1998, Jim Lee left Image and sold Wildstorm (and its various comic properties) to DC Comics. DC expanded on the original lines and developed some new ones (The Authority) under the imprint, and both Wildstorm and DC universes had various character crossovers. DC also released another sub-imprint called America's Best Comics as a showcase for Alan Moore (Promethea, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Tomorrow Stories, Tom Strong and Top 10) and Wildstorm became known as DC's "mature readers" imprint over the following decade. They also produced comic versions of other properties, such as movies (Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Ninja Scroll, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Trick 'r Treat) television shows (Chuck, Farscape, Fringe, The X-Files) video games (Gears of War, God of War, Mirror's Edge) and cartoons (Battle of the Planets, ThunderCats). In 2010 the line was shut down as part of DC's reorganisation, with some of the characters subsequently appearing in DC properties. Then in 2017 the imprint was relaunched with The Wild Storm, a 24 issue series that re-imagined the Wildstorm Universe by Warren Ellis and Jon Davis-Hunt. Since then, the line has continued to publish Wildcats and various The Authority characters have appeared in both crossovers and individual series.

Much like Vertigo Comics, the fandom for Wildstorm is small but ardent. The Authority, especially with canonically-gay characters Apollo and the Midnighter, is very popular for fanworks. Crossovers with DC, Marvel and other independent comics are also a feature of fanworks.

Titles with Fannish Activities

(a full list of Wildstorm titles)

With Image Comics

With DC



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