When the Skies Fill With Sand

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: When the Skies Fill With Sand
Author(s): Natasha Solten
Date(s): 1986
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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When the Skies Fill With Sand is a Kirk/Spock story by Natasha Solten.

It was published in the print zine First Time #7.


"Spock takes 2 weeks leave on Vulcan, and when Kirk joins him he learns the reason for the leave is that Amanda has died."

Reactions and Reviews

Really fine poetic writing.

Kirk is going to Vulcan to pick up Spock, who went there for two weeks without telling Kirk exactly why. Kirk is worried, feeling protective. A well-drawn depiction of him and of the tension between them-feels very authentic. Kirk takes a week's leave on Vulcan, stays at Spock's home. It turns out Amanda had died...- Spock never told him; he's being very closed.

Spock has been doing "nothing...sweeping the path twice a day...." A vivid and sad picture, rather zen. And Spock and Sarek alone togetheo not speaking, was very poignant. I could feel the heavy aura of that home in ShiKahr, a flat, gray sadness.

A dust storm is coming. Spock has a breathing problem and the dust gives him a coughing attack, which brings Kirk to be caring for him in his bed, and so they sleep together....

Kirk can only go to Amanda's "funeral" if he is Spock's t'hy'la. Spock says to Sarek, "I wish him to stand by me as t'hy'la then." Silence.... Very beautiful expressions of trust and friendship.

Spock collapses on Mt. Seleya and Kirk catches him and feels everything Spock feels. This is the r'shal: a link with a t'hy'la to share feelings. A very powerful scene; Kirk cries.

Back at home, their inadvertent words—oh, my heart-very beautiful. It begins with Kirk comforting Spock, but then Spock initiates more intimacy. Too too exquisite. Written with that power that makes us feel the smallest things so strongly. Kirk is "helpless now, giving over his entire trust to this mystery, this Vulcan, this friend named Spock."

A beautiful, deep story. [1]


  1. ^ from Come Together #4