Watching Me Watching You

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Title: Watching Me Watching You
Author(s): Kathy M. and Toni Collins (their preferred names on Fanlore)
Length: 45 pages
Genre: slash
Fandom: From Eroica With Love
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Watching Me Watching You is an 45-page Eroica slash story that appeared on the informal Eroica circuit. The title comes from a Jethro Tull song.

One reviewer's summary: "Klaus has been ordered to pose as Dorian's lover to bait a NATO trap, and he's livid."


"This is an intelligently written story on a familiar slash theme; this sort of thing has been done before but rarely as well."[1]

"By now I get it that epithitus is a common illness in this fandom so I probably should quit warning for it. But anyway, it’s present in this story too, and no, it isn’t very distracting in it either. There’s a blackmailer who threatens NATO officers. NATO powers that be assign the Major to play a part of homosexual lovers with Eroica to lure the blackmailer and catch him. Klaus, ever serious about his missions, will go to any lengths to accomplish it. So he begins staging and play-acting with Eroica, as planned. And hates it, of course. But they have to do it for a long time. Somewhere along the way, Klaus’s thoughts about his role change. I liked how gradual and smooth the change was in this story. They have to pretend to be lovers, spending a lot of time together. Then they have to pretend a little less and enjoy their outings a little more. Little by little, step by tiny step, we come to the lack of pretence. There’s plenty of angst but quite a few of lovely scenes too. I liked it."[2]


  1. ^ Madrigal's FanFiction Recs: Eroica dated 2004.
  2. ^ Eroica Recs dated August 5, 2008.