Warm Gallifreyan Nights

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Title: Warm Gallifreyan Nights
Publisher: HAWLPress (Having A Wonderful Leap Press)
Editor(s): Lori Grenci
Date(s): March 1999
Medium: print
Fandom: Doctor Who
Language: English
External Links: ordering discussion about the zine here
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Warm Gallifreyan Nights is an adult het 174-page Doctor Who anthology with one slash story. It originally required an age statement to order.

front cover

Erotic Doctor Who fiction and art is fairly rare, and Warm Gallifreyan Nights produced much fannish discussion before it was even published.


  • You, Traveller by Kate Orman
  • History in the Making by Audra McHugh
  • Goodbye, Sarah Jane by Coleen Kisterman
  • The Birds, the Bees and K-9 by Coleen Kisterman
  • Incident on Polaris V by Lori Grenci
  • The Doctor Gets Redecorated by Lori Grenci
  • Turlough Bowls a Maiden Over by Nick Jens
  • Tricks of the Light by Alden Bates
  • Heads or Tails by Elsa Frohman
  • Time's Arrow by Edana Aldys Haukyns
  • Nocturne by Otsaandosti
  • Nothing Like the Sun by Janet Coleman Sides
  • Memories of Gendalof by Gertrude Danoise
  • Dead Too Long by Kate Orman
  • Da Song by O.H.W.
  • Rescue the Perishing by A.N. Ellis (slash)

Its Progress Report

Submissions have been coming in steadily and the editors at HAWL Press are busy putting together a very (we hope) enjoyable zine. So far, we've got stories about the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors. Leela, Romana, Sarah, The Master, Tegan, Turlough, Adric, K-9, Q, Spock, Madame Curie, and a host of other guest stars also make an appearance. There's madness, mayhem, laughs,lust, gaffs, tears,and bodily abuse of every sort. Something for everyone. And as you can read above, there WILL be a first Doctor story !! There are some very clever and imaginative fanfic writers out there. Of course, we are still accepting submissions for any of the Doctors or companions...(The deadline has been changed to the end of March.) The fabulous color cover is *almost* finished. We still have to throw a few Timelords and companions into the scenery. [1]

Reactions and Reviews

["What scares me is that this woman is genuinely doing it for the porn value"]:
  • "When Ed says 'this woman', it suggests that he doesn't realise how many women contributed to WGN - or how common erotic fan fiction is. Naughty fan fiction has been around for years. It spans everything from tongue-in-cheek stories of hanky-panky in the TARDIS to tales of ferocious passion, smutty cartoons to sweet adolescent fantasies, hard-and-fast porn to psychological dramas. (It's got far more variety than most commercial porn!) WGN includes examples of most of these, from the light-hearted to the deadly serious... So what's so "unacceptable" about writing an erotic "Doctor Who" story? Why should it "scare" anyone that fangirls might take sex seriously, and include it in their fiction? What's wrong with a healthy fantasy?"
  • "Despite your liberating post, 'Warm Galliphreyian Nights' will still continue to scare me. But it's not because women wrote it. It's because of it's content. I have always viewed 'Doctor Who' as safe. And I've always viewed Doctor Who himself as the ultimate safe guy - he never makes a pass at anyone onscreen (despite how we tease and make fun), to all intents and purposes he seems not to have a sexual drive at all. Which is one reason I love 'him' so... because I know that he will always be upright and honest with his companions, no matter how much Sam tries to get him in bed and how much Adric really wants him to 'spend more time with me'. The PMESB hasn't bothered me much, because it's not about lust for Doctor Who, it's lust over Paul McGann. Quite a different thing. (Although if I see a PTESB, I'm going to die laughing. Sorry! :)) But Warm Galliphreyian nights has brought hard, adult sexual reality to what has always remained, for me, a child's dream. The Bad Guy always looses, the Doctor always wins, and it's Safe to be Scared. The idea of a sexual Doctor, which I encountered in 'Infinity Doctor', made me very uncomfortable in ways I hadn't even expected. I wanted back the childish naivete I had always had with the Doctor. Sam's lust in 'War of the Daleks' also made me uncomfortable... I didn't want to view the Doctor that way. I wanted him always to be safe...Sex and Doctor Who... I guess sexual realities make Doctor Who just too real. The fairy-tale world starts to crumble under the strain. All of the companions won't marry off or go off to some noble cause anymore. They can't sleep in communal bedrooms anymore. It's a dangerous inconsistancy. But I handle it by simply not ordering the 'zine. :) How about you?" [2]

["Don't you think old people deserve to have any fun?"]:
  • "No. Just...no. Ick. No. Not unless we're talking bridge or shuffleboard. Maybe dominoes. Definitely not... I can't help it. It's the way I was raised. Every old person I've known has been of the traditional "nice" type with about the same libido as a can of spam! Thanks to them, I now find it impossible to link old people and sex in any way, shape, or form. In 50 years, I'll probably have figured out how to deal with it. In the mean time, I'm sorry. Can you seriously (I mean really) think about your grandparents, for example, having sex? I'm still sorry, but it just can't be done. I have no problems with race, religion, gender, lifestyle, or even old people in general. If this elderly person/sex thing is my one shortcoming, then I'm doing pretty darn well." [3]


  1. ^ a Doctor Who group at Google
  2. ^ from discussion at a Google group, posted in May 1999, accessed in 2011
  3. ^ a Google group discussion from May 1999, accessed in 2011