Wandering the Maze

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Wandering the Maze
Author(s): Destina Fortunato
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: AO3?

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Wandering the Maze is a Jim/Blair story by Destina Fortunato.

Reactions and Reviews

This is an alternate version of events that might have taken place after Jim killed Lash in the episode Cypher, and does contradict canon for that purpose, but I can't bring myself to call it an AU. [1]

A revisitation of Cypher, with an enviable beta list.

It had come on them by degrees, this command-and-response scenario. Blair spoke, Jim listened, and his body acquiesced without so much as a muscle twinge in protest. Blair's voice was a smooth override to Jim's objections much of the time, enough to overcome reluctance and a host of other conflicting feelings. Hell, Blair had only been living there a few weeks, barely long enough to settle in, and already it seemed as though he'd been there forever, taking root and spreading out in every direction across Jim's life.

Jim tugged the blinds down over the long windows, filtering out the bright daylight until only pinstriped remnants could be seen along the edges. He gave himself permission to sink into the couch, sighing into the cushions like a man too tired to be bothered with breathing.

Why you should read this: Clean, crisp prose settling over you like sheets of linen...green sheets. The sheets of envy, under which we will curl into a fetal ball of admiration.

What might throw you off stride: Nine out of ten readers agree: we're still a bit dubious about that broken door. But, yes, it makes a nice symbol.[2]

Destina Fortunato Does it Again. I love this story - it's post-Cypher, it's intense and sweet and works for me on a multitude of levels. Kind of different from the usual Destina fare, but that just proves the chick has got range. This is an alternate version of events that might have taken place after Jim killed Lash in the episode Cypher, and does contradict canon for that purpose, but I can't bring myself to call it an AU.[3]

This is a follow-up to David Lash's intrusion into Jim and Blair's lives. It's also a first time fic. And a morning-after regrets fic. But it's a lot more than just these categorizations. Mostly is about them both, dealing with their lives, trying to make sense of the events of recent days. And it's beautiful.[4]

Eee! So good. Lash and the after effects.[5]
