Walking Distance

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Title: Walking Distance
Publisher: Manacles Press
Date(s): 1997
Medium: print
Fandom: Highlander
Language: English
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Walking distance.jpg

Walking Distance is a slash 134-page Highlander anthology. It is subtitled: "Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time."

This zine contains no interior art.


Reactions and Reviews


Settings ==> Absolutely splendid, I will say baroque which characterizes works that are prolific in details and elaborate ornementations. The reception and its oddities are gorgeous. As for the known protagonists, all of their acts fit in their own history but we never linger on this aspect favoring a dive into the horror, into the fantasy.

Characters ==> Perfect, the characters are perfect. Canon isn't a word to describe them. They just make sense, they are coherent, consistent, exquisitely and strongly outlined. They are really the heart of this story and our heart beat with theirs.

Plot ==> Not really original because the plot recapture "Masque of the Red Death" by the great writer Edgar Allan Poe. I seem to recall Stephen King using this image in its book "Shining". Truth be told, this story works a lot better than King's book. In french, we name this particular genre "Fantastique" which is defined by the intrusion of supernatural phenomena into an otherwise realist narrative, phenomena which are not only left unexplained but which are inexplicable. The overwhole ambiance translates into a sort of tension in the face of the impossible which can be awe, dread, horror or fear.

Style ==> I've never read the original story in english so I don't really know how much the author was inspired by it. But the "Fantastique" elements are perfectly inserted in the story, the tone is deliciously lyric and just a delight to read. It flows with such fluidity... in one breath like a dream that blurs when the morning comes.

Interest ==> Duncan and Brian wandering in the country was an idea that appealed to me for all sort of reasons. Unlike many fics that involve the pair, this one works greatly and capture what I think the two were to each other or simply were. The appearance of Methos was surprising, unexpected even if I knew he would be there. All in all, the story is exquisite and we can't release our grasp on it till the very end.

In conclusion ==> It is a story that definitely worths your time. The writing is three level above the common fics and one above the best fic you've read. The structure is classical, literacy but so well accurately integrated into Highlander Universe that it brings a certain degree of originality and obvious uniqueness. [1]


  1. ^ from Masque at The Duncan/Methos Fic List (24th-Jul-2005)