Venture Forth

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You may be looking for the X-Files story Venture Forth.

Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Venture Forth
Author(s): SassyInkPen
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Venture Forth is a Jim/Blair story by SassyInkPen.

Reactions and Reviews

Because it's one of the best Sentinel road-trip fics ever written! Blair challenges Jim to be spontaneous and go on a road trip with him. A real road trip. No destination in mind, just driving, seeing the sights, going where the spirit moves you. So, we've got Jim and Blair basically trapped together for a week. They hang out, they talk, they learn a few things about each other and make some long-awaited changes to their relationship. This is a great first-time fic with just the right amount of angst and hawt sex and humor, but what makes it great is Sassy's ability to write terrific, spot-on Jim-Blair dialogue.[1]

Pack your bags, folks. It’s a road trip. In this little epic, there are vibrating hotel beds, deep conversation, revelations and catching things with bare hands.

He took a thoughtful breath. "Do you think I'm getting old?" he asked, keeping his gaze fixed on the road.

Blair laughed. "Give me a break, man, you're fuckin' Conan the Barbarian. Godzilla with a gun."

"I'm serious," Jim said gruffly.

"So am I," Blair shot back. "I mean, look at you - you're built, you work out all the time, you have a high-action job that you're currently at the top of...and no one's ever going accuse you of getting hard of hearing."

Jim rolled his eyes at that last comment, but the rest of Blair's assessment bucked him up slightly. "You don't think this lack of spontaneity is a sign that I'm slowing down?"

"Nope. I think you've been that way all your life. You're a brontosaurus, man."


"You know, you're like this huge, gigantic thing with enormous feet, lumbering around thinking about stuff like survival and shelter, until you get hungry and then it's 'Ooo! Leaves!' and you charge on over..." The corners of Blair's mouth curled higher the longer he spun his nonsense. "Only in your case, it's hamburgers."

Jim nodded. "I think I liked it better when you were comparing me to Conan the Barbarian."

"Totally man, you are. You are G.I. Joe. Only anatomically correct." Blair smiled at him. "I'm assuming anyway. You are anatomically correct, aren't you?"

"Not only am I correct, but I'm the last damn word on the subject." [2]

This is one of the best road trips stories I've read. Interesting sites, fun facts and clever banter abound. Enjoy the ride. [3]


  1. ^ 2006 comments at Crack Van
  2. ^ 2007 comments at Crack Van
  3. ^ September 27, 2014 at Fancake