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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Upheaval
Author(s): PJ
Date(s): July 5, 2000
Length: 86K, 14979 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Upheaval

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Upheaval is a Jim/Blair story by PJ.

It was posted to 852 Prospect.


"What really happened to Grace Ellison?"

Reactions and Reviews

Hmm, I just read it based on your rec, and thought it was pleasant, but found both the story and the characterizations to be over the top in a number of ways.

Also, it was way more shmoopy than I'm happy with (and yes, I realize that lots of other fans eat this stuff up with a spoon, though) -- stuff like:

[He pulled Blair close again, laying a tender kiss in the middle of the lambent eyes.] (this is during a truck-related tender moment)

I was also pulled out of the story by some stylistic things, like badly used epithets,

["He's all right, Jim," the large African-American captain said quietly.]


[Blair's stumbling attempt at obfuscation was interrupted by the appearance of the diminutive Asian housekeeper.]

But I think my biggest disapointment was, I saw no reason for Jim and Blair to be lovers in this story. No part of this story would have had to have changed if they were just good friends -- even the ref to Jim not sleeping well... I didn't mind that there was no sex (on 'screen' or off), but if there's no sexual tension of any sort, if the fact that they're a couple doesn't matter at all...I think it would work as well or better as gen. [1]


  1. ^ July 2000 post to Prospect-L by Sandy Hereld, quoted with permission