Two years ago, S&H fandom was flourishing.

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Title: Two years ago, S&H fandom was flourishing. (the title used here on Fanlore)
Creator: Lyndy Harding
Date(s): 1985
Medium: print
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
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Two years ago, S&H fandom was flourishing. is a 1985 essay by Lyndy Harding. It is a sentence early on in a letter printed in the UK letterzine, APB #33.

Some Context

Harding was a very outspoken fan in Starsky & Hutch fandom regarding topics discussed by fans in various letterzines such as Shootout, APB, and Hanky Panky.

Both "Shootout" and "APB" were struggling fans' various wishes regarding content, namely slash discussion and fanworks (both letterzines), and whether complete fealty and praise for the actors (namely David Soul) in "Shootout" were appropriate.

Because of these discussions, often pointed and angry, the highly popular Dobeycon was cancelled.

Harding took on this topic in her letter to APB #3 (January 1985).

The Essay

I thoroughly agree with sentiments concerning D6 and fandom in general. Being the co-organiser of the Dobeycon which was inundated with registrations and remembering the joy we felt at the obvious success of the venture I feel utterly deflated by the demise of DCon 6 and I Know how angry Jill and Chris and Lynne must feel.

I certainly didn't intend to raise the subject again after making my views clear last month. However, there are now a few points I'd like to discuss.

As Terri has stated there is an apathy in fandom but also something more dangerous. Think about it for a moment. Two years ago, S&H fandom was flourishing.

Registrations for DCon were pouring in. L/Zs were free of 'over zealous' snitfights. (We'd all seen what happened to the US L/Z.) Those who subscribed to the S/H premise and those who didn't appeared side by side in these pages and discussed their differences amiably. We tried to be tolerant of each other's views and, I believe, respected them.

There was also another factor. DS and PMG were only discussed briefly in the forum. Naturally we were and still are, interested in relevant information about the two actors but it was never a case of over-kill. Consequently if any of the men's negative qualities were slightly brushed upon, no letter of desperate defence appeared the following month. Comments were accepted and/or taken in good humour. Yes - we were all part of a family then. What happened? OK 'Razor Mouth' Harding will tell you!

Suddenly a new type of fan appeared on the scene. Admittedly these 'fans' were totally dedicated to their idols and defended them to the bitter end but the problem arose when the 'group' chose S&H fandom as an outlet for their fervour. There are many of us who are fans of Starsky and Hutch - the show - the characters, the relationship! Of course, none of us are so empty headed as to discuss the actors DS and PMG as invalid but they play a small part in our interest.

Hence we witnessed a conflict in ideas. Suddenly the pages of APB became a battleground for those amongst us who dared to say DS and PMG weren't all together perfect and those who would defend them with all the anger of a cat with a scorched ass!

Perhaps we could have ridden that particular storm if more dark clouds hadn't loomed up on us. The S/H premise came under a new wave of attack - and, may I remind you, by the same group of people. Those who had subscribed to S&H fandom for many years and had strived hard to keep it alive were suddenly labelled as hostile! Nasty rumours and nasty letters suddenly appeared. People who had once subscribed quite openly to the S/H premise began labelling the idea as 'dirty' and returned to their closets. The great threat that fell upon fandom culminating in the demise of Dobeycon Six.

However - it would appear the storm has blown over and these people have now found an outlet in their own 'fan club' type society [1]. I can only say thank God. We now have the opportunity to start fresh and regain some some semblance which will reflect in the pages of this forum. Obviously there will never be total agreement over certain aspects of the show, characters etc but let's try and discuss rather than argue the differences out.

With regards to the '/' premise let's agree to disagree. Those amongst us who wish to disregard the premise when discussing their ideas concerning topics, episodes etc have every right to do so but those who wish to refer to the premise as a relevant part of our discussions should also be allowed to do so.

If this balance occurs we will eliminate all the unpleasantness of the past year or so. I, for one, really do want APB to survive. It's about all we have. It's been said before but S&H does mean friendship so let's stay friends. S&H does mean caring so let's care about each other. S&H does mean sharing so let's share our views and ideas and learn from them.

Terri asked us what we wanted from our 'fandom'. That must surely be to see its continuance and healthy growth. It's given us so much pleasure in the past, don't we owe it something?

There is a certain 'hard-core' who will continue to strive for fandom's survival and continuance but we're not 'out on a limb' and would welcome many more to the fold. Let's stop and think how fortunate we are. There is a lot of talent amongst us but writers, zine eds etc cannot be blamed for withdrawing their expertise from an apathetic market. Be honest! Do you want to return to a world with no zines, no forums. I certainly don't. The very existence of S&H fandom lies in our hands. It's up to us. Let's bury all past differences and make the New Year the time to start afresh. I have every faith in 'us'. We can do it! We can take the legend forward and further.

Think about it.

Fan Comments

See fan comments in APB, and also in Shootout.


  1. ^ This is likely a reference to Soul Mates